I...Like... Totally want Latte and Arwin to be a thing

Fujoishi101 August 6, 2019 6:06 pm

Or Kenneth falls for Latte but one-sided only.

Idrc about the prince. BUT ARWIN + LATTE. YES.

    Jules August 9, 2019 6:05 pm

    Little spoiler but...
    Arwin and Latte actually end up together from what i see in the raws so you ship is correct dont know about the Kenneth thing tho sorry

    Okarisu August 13, 2019 9:27 pm
    Little spoiler but...Arwin and Latte actually end up together from what i see in the raws so you ship is correct dont know about the Kenneth thing tho sorry Jules

    There's an alternate story where he ends up with her instead.

    Fujoishi101 August 16, 2019 7:15 am
    Little spoiler but...Arwin and Latte actually end up together from what i see in the raws so you ship is correct dont know about the Kenneth thing tho sorry Jules

    i VERY much ship it, cos Arwin is the most interesting out of the 3 guys. also cos hes a cutie.