In Sangho and the Sister's DEFENSE:

aggravated seme August 6, 2019 8:16 am

I can kind of get the sister's frustration. Like have y'all been to college? Have you worked your ass off for shit just to not get it? I agree the violence is like ... chill sis. But her frustration is pretty valid. It was honestly relieving to see her finally flip out on the ex because she needed it. People like the ex will legit continue to look down on others until someone flips a table on their ass. I'm just saying, violence is wrong, but the odds are pretty stacked against women in certain fields.

AND NOW, in Sangho's defense of acting like a spoiled ass brat... his brother literally raised him and treated him that way. That is my only point. Kids can sometimes be exactly what you put in you get out. While Sangho isn't like that with everyone, the habit dies hard with his brother who coddles him. Everyone is like "JUST TALK TO HIM" but honestly the brother never raises his voice either. Why is it that this is the most he's ever tried in all of their years? Isn't he like 30+? Even his son asks if Sangho is upset before he does.

My point: Sis is not too far from the rest of us as a character.
My other point: Big bro is hot but he need to put his foot down too.

    Aila August 7, 2019 10:01 am

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