Why!!! Why????

hope2009 August 4, 2019 2:30 pm

hy is the blonde doesn’t to do it? Why!?!?!??!?
Someone tell me please

    Pesky33 August 4, 2019 4:44 pm

    Because some people don’t. That’s why it’s called sexless I assume. There are asexual people in the world, and this comic is represented them (hopefully we’ll, we shall have to see!) but I think that’s where it’s going anyway

    kohana-chan August 4, 2019 6:58 pm
    Because some people don’t. That’s why it’s called sexless I assume. There are asexual people in the world, and this comic is represented them (hopefully we’ll, we shall have to see!) but I think that�... Pesky33

    I dont think that he is asexual. I think in an earlier chapter it was mentioned that before he met Chip he used to sleep around.

    Leta Cent August 4, 2019 8:35 pm
    Because some people don’t. That’s why it’s called sexless I assume. There are asexual people in the world, and this comic is represented them (hopefully we’ll, we shall have to see!) but I think that�... Pesky33

    Yes asexual people need to be represented but the blond isnt one. I think some are missing the point that asexuals don't date. I have a few friends that are asexual and just like the definition they aren't interested in anyone romantically or sexually. In previous chapters the Blondy was described has having many one night stands and he is even dating someone. He might be confused about his sexuality but I dought he is asexual unless he is compleatly forcing himself.

    Leta Cent August 4, 2019 8:39 pm

    I think he doesn't want to admit he is gay since he loves his mom too much to betray her. Priviously he said he didn't want to have sex with chip anymore " cause that would make him gay". Funny though cause he had a lot of sex before with one night stands and even chip before they moved in. I think he just feels more comfortable being platonic since he isn't admitting he is gay that way because before he could have used the excuse that he is just curious or fooling around but now that they live together he tried to find a way to still make it seem " socially normal".

    Pesky33 August 4, 2019 10:07 pm
    Yes asexual people need to be represented but the blond isnt one. I think some are missing the point that asexuals don't date. I have a few friends that are asexual and just like the definition they aren't inte... Leta Cent

    I know asexual people who date, but I take everyone’s point about the previous comments about his one night stands.

    I do think it’s important to remember that asexual people can and do still have sex, and some people who are not asexual also don’t have sex. Sex isn’t the be all and end all of relationships.

    ✨BunGal✨ August 5, 2019 12:48 am
    I know asexual people who date, but I take everyone’s point about the previous comments about his one night stands.I do think it’s important to remember that asexual people can and do still have sex, and so... Pesky33

    Thank you for pointing it out! This is correct!!!
    Just to clarify for all others--asexuality is a spectrum, truly and really--just like LGBTQI has a plethora or different sub groups, so does asexuality. It's incorrect to just call someone asexual and think that means no romance or even no sex at all. To be more clear, asexual is a blanket statement generally means you don't have interest in sexual activities standardly. This does NOT mean you can't have romance as an asexual. Now, saying that, some people who also identify as asexual can also identify as aromantic, meaning no interest in romance, but not necessarily no companionship at all. There are also many sub-versions of a asexuality like there's one where you can only have sex with someone you are romantically in love with and have no interest in sex outside of that, or there's even a version of sexuality that basically means you are fine instigating sexual acts with oneself but do not like engaging in that act with another. If you google asexual spectrum you can probably get an idea of the variety there is. But it's a common misconception to think ace/asexual means no romance, no relationship, or a passionless personality.

    Leta Cent August 5, 2019 1:37 am
    I think he doesn't want to admit he is gay since he loves his mom too much to betray her. Priviously he said he didn't want to have sex with chip anymore " cause that would make him gay". Funny though cause he ... Leta Cent

    Yes I understand, but my point is that is just a bit disappointing to see how people are defending the blond just based on his sexuality. I don't hate on any sexuality or gender but that should never be used as justification. You your self claimed he was an ace cause he doesn't want to have sex and now you are saying that even those who aren't Ace don't always have sex ? That's what quite a few have been trying to say this entire time.

    Leta Cent August 5, 2019 2:11 am
    Thank you for pointing it out! This is correct!!!Just to clarify for all others--asexuality is a spectrum, truly and really--just like LGBTQI has a plethora or different sub groups, so does asexuality. It's inc... ✨BunGal✨

    I just want to say that I am aware that asexuality has subgroups and can be hard to define cause as a bit I my self I somewhat understand how difficult it can be to define and cateragorize a sexuality but if you would look at asexual spectrum it defines how a person's traits are closer to being sexual or asexual (just like their is a spectrumhen for bi individuals that say of your more on the "hetero" side or "gay/lesbian" based on were your sexual preferences tend to lie. But that's just a spectrum not what asexual is heck there is even a gender roles spectrum now for people to see if your personality is feminine or a masculine since gender roles shouldn't be defined by your gender. I suggest looking going beyond what you can find on a basic Google search since it can to be incorect or missing key points. I recommend AVEN sites just to clarify some misconseptions. I'll just start by saying am I 100% sure I am correct on the term, no but you might not be either since in the LGBTQ+ community ace dents to be one of the most miss used/ defined terms mainly cause it's difficult to go against arousal and yes while it's a blanket term many tend to confuse it with other sexualities while they find their own sexuality. Here are the most common defs I have found and that friends in my University LGBTQ+ tend to use to help others out. " For some sexual arousal is a fairly regular occurrence, though it is not associated with a desire to find a sexual partner or partners." " Many asexual people experience romantic attraction even though they do not feel sexual attraction." "Romantic attraction can occur with any person of any gender. It is important to understand the distinction between sexual orientations and romantic orientations""Being such a new and unexplored concept, the definition and categorization of asexuality has been the subject of much debate, not least among asexuals themselves. It is often conceived of as one of four or more orientations (homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual/pansexual, asexual), but is also spoken of as one of two (sexual and asexual) depending on arousal and with gender preference being measured along a different axis." "Most asexuals on AVEN, far from being antisexual, take the viewpoint that sex (provided it is undergone safely and consensually) is a fine and dandy thing for other people to do, and they simply don't want to have to get involved with it themselves." From what I read and heard from asexual forums, group, webpages is that while they can get into relationship and will masterbate they tend not to get into sexually relationships of any kind. Just like you can dought my references I will dought the ones you read that say " There are also many sub-versions of a asexuality like there's one where you can only have sex with someone you are romantically in love with and have no interest in sex outside of that," cause at the moment that defines me and most other's who are monogamous and will only sexually think of our current partner.

    Mikaela Hyakuya August 5, 2019 6:21 am
    Yes asexual people need to be represented but the blond isnt one. I think some are missing the point that asexuals don't date. I have a few friends that are asexual and just like the definition they aren't inte... Leta Cent

    Um I am asexual but still date and tend to get dumped just because I’m asexual but those people who also don’t date are aromantic when I am panromantic

    Pesky33 August 5, 2019 9:42 am

    I think the main thing to remember is that people have sex or don’t have sex for a plethora of reasons, and let’s wait and see what the author has planned? I find it more worrying that people are giving up on this because there’s no sex and I think that s a huge shame

    Leta Cent August 5, 2019 1:11 pm
    Um I am asexual but still date and tend to get dumped just because I’m asexual but those people who also don’t date are aromantic when I am panromantic Mikaela Hyakuya

    I meant sexually I fixed my response with a longer reply.

    hope2009 August 5, 2019 6:40 pm

    We’re went off topic here. I just wanted to know why he doesn’t want to do it -aka- spoilers? Please help

    hope2009 August 6, 2019 10:19 am
