Someone spoil me!! Pretty please?? ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

liloblue August 2, 2019 5:25 pm

Someone spoil me!! Pretty please?? ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Animestar411 August 7, 2019 2:08 am

    Virtually everyone who is her friend and love interest dies. Everyone else is out to get her.
    Little bone became the the demon god. The ML her master is an asshole, he would not admit that he loved and killed her unwittingly. Like five seconds after she died he regretted everything he did and cries how he should of have loved her. The ending is something i am still confused about. One ending is that ine of the elder sect leader, the ML disciple brother sacrifice his life to bring her back to life as atonement for his sins, that guy is one of the people who were so biased against her that he blames everything bad on her . But even though revived Bone soul was shattered so she was normally in a coma so her master went around the world looking for pieces of her soul. Next ending is that when bone died her soul shattered so her master went looking for them so he could put them back together so she can reincarnate. In both ending when bone gets revived she lost her memories of the past and her master was really happy about it because right before she died, she told him that if she had a next life she will never want to meet him or fall for him again . So ml if afraid that if bone regains her memories she will leave him

    neko August 21, 2019 1:38 am
    Virtually everyone who is her friend and love interest dies. Everyone else is out to get her.Little bone became the the demon god. The ML her master is an asshole, he would not admit that he loved and killed he... Animestar411

    Thank you so much :). I'm kinda angry about the ml now. So right till the very end he is selfish by wanting bone to not leave him even though bone, on her deathbed went as far as to say she wouldn't want to meet him if she ever had a next life. Yet he killed her as well. I'm curious about she is like as a demon god, does she go on a rampage, loses her humanity, sad, angry, wishes she was dead and it was her fault? And what happened for her to turn evil. Poor bone she really had it rough didn't she.

    Animestar411 August 21, 2019 2:31 am
    Thank you so much :). I'm kinda angry about the ml now. So right till the very end he is selfish by wanting bone to not leave him even though bone, on her deathbed went as far as to say she wouldn't want to mee... neko

    Little bone never became evil. She blacken abit and by blacken she got hella mad with how people were trating her. People only said she was evil and went on a crusade to kill her but she did nothing wrong even until the end. Oh and some explation why her life is so crappy. Little Bone was a goddess who defeated the original demon god and during the process her sould and luck shattered so she died and reincarnated with extreme bad luck. H yeah i think that the only bad thing she actually did was killing her 11th bro(blue hair guy who like her Bug Sugar) because she was pissed at him for failing to keep Sugar alive. Sugar was killed by the long haired rival girl who hated bone ( the 11th bro student)

    neko August 21, 2019 4:05 pm
    Little bone never became evil. She blacken abit and by blacken she got hella mad with how people were trating her. People only said she was evil and went on a crusade to kill her but she did nothing wrong even ... Animestar411

    liloblue August 22, 2019 2:55 am

    Sugar dies!?!?!?!?! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ


    Animestar411 September 18, 2019 6:58 am
    Sugar dies!?!?!?!?! Σ(っ°Д °;)っNoooooooooooooo!!!! liloblue

    I just posted how sugar died