Actually these kind of mistakes are common on first relationships and a real reason of why most of the first relationships tend to fail. You learn and grow from those. Communication is key and they have been both failing at communicating. Nemu is doing the right thing, even if that means he ends up breaking up. If we are realistic, sometimes you might break up with people you really love, but because the relationship became too toxic it's time to stop. It's not THAT easy to just simply press a switch and revert it to non-toxic. Sometimes it's the best for both. And the only way to decide if you can or not save a relationship, it's with time and perspective.
I lived through this and when I tried to take a break I was pushed to the limit with an "all or nothing threat". Now I am married to someone else, much more healthy relationship.

It doesnt help that the first time maya said I love you was only after a big fight rather than when he actually felt it and wanted to say it.

Agreed, communication is the life force of a relationship, and Maya and Nemu really need to work on that. And I'm so glad you're in a healthy relationship now! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

This really does make it worse, it's like he was forced to say it. It'll only serve to make Nemu doubt the relationship even more. It needs to be said when it's actually meant, not when it's used as a last resort. I'm sure that wasn't Maya's intention, but it's how it came across.

Y’all have made great points! I work in mental health and I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve had who are completely miserable but refuse to do anything out of fear of how their partner will react. Even worse the ones that do try to see to their own needs are also guilt tripped by friends/family for upsetting the other person. Realizing you are not responsible for someone else’s behavior is one of the keys to a lasting and healthy relationship.

It never even occurred to me to put Nemu as the only wrong one here, and I am kinda surprised people jumped into that. Nemu has tried to indirectly talk to Maya about his insecurities multiple times, but since he never actually voiced them directly (in which he is wrong), Maya always pushed them aside (that or he reacted with distrust, like when Nemu wanted to change his appearance to look prettier next to him). It's actually very nice Nemu took a step back to try and understand the root of his feelings and how to best deal with them - even if it means breaking up for the sake of their mental health. I guess the comments really show most of the fanbase is made by young people with little experience in love.

After the previous chapter, I really didn’t get Nemu’s side and why everyone’s putting the blame on Maya for being such an idiot but after reading today’s chapter, I understood that what Nemu did for himself was such a good response. He’s starting with himself first before trying to waste energy about something they’re not on the same page. Whilst, Maya still hasn’t reached the point of understanding why Nemu’s been feeling like that. I really hope the author doesn’t make Nemu apologise and hide his insecurities again then give no progression with Maya. I love Maya but I feel that he should be the one to initiate the fixing of the issue this time

Every time I saw a comment saying "wtf is wrong with Nemu, look at Maya, poor him" I start to wonder about the emotional maturity of those people. HELLO? Taking a break to try and figure things out IT'S THE HEALTHY THING TO DO.
While Maya is just moping and isn't even trying to understand why this is happening (I GET IT, I DO, he's sad, and hurt, but Nemu too, and he's still functional), Nemu is working on his own issues: why do I feel I'm not enough? Is this Ruka person right? Being possessive it's okay or not? While being heartbroken, but he's trying to mature, to solve the problem.
A problem HE DIDN'T EVEN START. Ruka did. The same asshole Maya CHOSE again and again even when Nemu admitted it made him uncomfortable. And yes, in the end Maya said fuck it and wanted to distance himself, but Nemu knew then that he didn't get WHY he was asking. He was trying to keep them together at all costs, and he didn't want that.
He didn't want to be selfish and force Maya (I have to laugh) to cut off his relationships with his friends or co-workers BECAUSE OF HIM. And that's being a fucking awesome boyfriend, specially when said friend is an asshole who is treating you like crap when your BF isn't looking.
So... what's their issue with Nemu? That Maya is depressed? Well, that's Ruka's fault, and his lack of emotional stability. Because Nemu is in pain too, as I said, but keeps his head cleared because that's what the "time apart" is for: to think and reach a conclusion. They have a lot of growing up to do, and his relationship need to change, they need to be on equal footing because they weren't before, and that was the root of a lot of Nemu's insecurities. That and Maya's refusal to talk about things that he deems to be too serious for him to handle. He assumes a lot of things instead of letting Nemu talk when he tries, and Nemu gives up way too fast when Maya sais that "everything's fine". It's clearly not. Liking each other a lot and loving each other a ton can work when you're a teen and don't have many issues. Adult life it's not that relaxed. Maya's family has expelled him... but what about Nemu's mum? They have too many things to overcome to let stupidity get in their way.
And for that, they have to get rid of a snake named Ruka.
You can tell how young and inexperienced the commenters are based on how they don't understand Nemu's actions. It's spelled out right in this chapter, plus combined with Ruka's attempts to break them up and Maya's refusal to talk about anything that makes him uncomfortable (lying about Ruka is very suspicious even to very trusting couples, and refusing to talk about his previous breakups and getting mad at Nemu for even bringing it up is not good). All players here are guilty and it has led to one big miscommunication to a very insecure and unsure character, Nemu. Nemu taking a step back to reevaluate his own behavior instead of going nuclear is actually a healthy thing to do. Maya reacting they way he has does suck, but that doesn't mean that Nemu has to sacrifice figuring things out for himself and his mental health just to make Maya stop being depressed. Maya also needs to take a step back and reevaluate how he seems to only be willing to talk once things have already blown up, as opposed to just not shutting down talking when Nemu barely voices his concerns. And Nemu needs to learn to speak up when he does have concerns rather than let them build up and not let small things concern him so much, as he is trying to figure out now.