Question about uploading

lilplum July 30, 2019 8:31 pm

So I want to upload a few chapters but I don’t know what I’m supposed to write after I selected the option they gave me. Or how long it will take to upload it. Can someone help me with this...

    MrsHatake July 30, 2019 8:36 pm

    if its new manga write its name, author, genre and link with pics.
    if you are continuing manga thats already here just send them links and maybe write which chapters are those. it will take few hours at most to be uploaded

    lilplum July 30, 2019 10:12 pm
    if its new manga write its name, author, genre and link with pics. if you are continuing manga thats already here just send them links and maybe write which chapters are those. it will take few hours at most to... MrsHatake

    Ok but if it’s screen shot from my phone how do I do that?? Unless I give them the link to lezhin Bt I’m pretty sure they wnt be able to see it if they nt log on

    Ferra July 30, 2019 10:30 pm
    Ok but if it’s screen shot from my phone how do I do that?? Unless I give them the link to lezhin Bt I’m pretty sure they wnt be able to see it if they nt log on lilplum

    Just keep all the screenshots inside a folder then upload the folder to your google drive or any cloud storage you prefer and share the links OR if you're using imgur (recommended) upload all the screenshots there then share the album links. MAKE SURE that you have already arrange the image names from page 1 and so on.

    MrsHatake July 30, 2019 10:30 pm
    Ok but if it’s screen shot from my phone how do I do that?? Unless I give them the link to lezhin Bt I’m pretty sure they wnt be able to see it if they nt log on lilplum

    dont give your acc to anyone, not even admins here xD
    you have to upload somewhere your screenshots.
    it can be google drive (you have it on your phone but i think you have to make that folder public), dropbox,, megaupload or whatever you decide to use
    you can do all of that from your phone, or transfer pics to pc/laptop and then upload it