She was not raped, she consented, she asked and was determined to become his wife already knowing that was what was expected of her. Sure she may not have liked it, but it was a sacrifice she was clearly willing to make. Equally Eli had sex with her because that was the tradition of the time, and also to test her. Context here is important, at no point does Edna consider it rape (ergo she was consenting), and Eli apologised for being rough

She clearly didn't want to have sex with him, he RAPED her. She "accepted" because it was either to accept being his wife or death. We even see her in pain and crying during the act. You know that if it's under a threat it's still called forced, rigth ?
But you are rigth about one thing, the story and herself doesn't really consider it as rape and that is a HUGE problem. The story goes as if it's no big deal, ml says sorry once after menacing her with a sword and everything is fine. They even start to have romantic feelings between them and it shows because she likes having sex with him after that.
I am sorry, I am sure there are other things to enjoy in this story and am sure it become really interresting ... but that ruins it for me.

Chill the fuck out dude, it's set in a fictional medieval ages Europe, not 2019 tumblr. Shes not a dumb fuck, she knew what marriage meant and consented whether you like it or not, and whether it was what she truly wanted or not. sure she probably wanted to just have her own nice little life in the woods somewhere with no one bothering her, she couldve have put the blame on the counts family and escaped punishment, she's clever enough and has talked her why out of other situations, no one could punish an innocent maid who's being forced to substitute, but she decided to take the offer to try and better her life, she knew what she was getting into, she was a victim of circumstance not rape, she consented, doesn't matter if she enjoyed it or not, consent doesn't equal sexual satisfaction. just ask the thousands of prostitutes, I'm sure they don't want to sleep with creepy old dudes, and they don't have to, but they do to try better their lives

How does that change anything? Please don’t tell me the goal of this story is to pinpoint with accuracy history when the main girl has white and pink hair. She was raped and the author decided to make it a romance. Rape in medieval times and rape in modern times is... still rape. I’m not saying it’s not normal in those times, I’m saying that the male lead raping the protagonist, and her falling in love with him regardless, has become ridiculously common in webcomics story lines and I fear for all the young girls who are beginning to normalise it (see how popular this comic is?)
Your point is completely irrelevant once again. Never once did I say that it shouldn’t have happened. It happened all the time at this period. But that doesn’t mean she HAS to fall in love with her rapist, it’s gross...
Now the fact you call rape « tumblr »-ish shows how normalised this has become and proved my point. You’re completely ok with the main lead raping the protagonist and never, ever being called out on it ever? It’s just a normal stepping stone to romance? Honestly I’m getting sick of all these comics painting abusive relationships as romance. It’s not cute, stop it.

Also to the people seeing this isn’t rape WOW this id exactly what I’m talking about. These comics are messing up with your sense of reality. « You can choose whether you want to have sex with me, but if you won’t, I’ll make your life a living hell/kill you ». Blackmail rape is still a form of rape and is heavily punished by law. It’s much more common than you think and leads a lot of people to suicide sadly. The comic « loser » shows it quite accurately (a bit too much imo ;-;)She didn’t « consent », stop it.

I’m not saying once again that it shouldn’t happen and that the FBI should be at his door, since as you said this is « history ». But that doesn’t MAKE IT OK. Someone murdering innocent people might be more normal in the past - does NOT make it ok. Someone having slaves is also normal at the time - does not make it okay.

Didn’t say that’s makes it okay. But am saying that they did address the fact that the way he treated her was wrong. Moreover, I did a reread after I saw your comment and she told him that she will be his woman both in bed and as a wife, and then he slept whit her. The fact that he wasn’t gentle with her is something else.
I wanted to read this considering everyone says it’s great but she’s literally raped by male lead on ch1