I like the character of Areum but I'm still not really sold on Travis. Still comes across as an psychopath that remains excessively abusive to his staff and possessive of her.
Although letting her go to the parade thing even though he had other intentions for her that day is a good sign. Strangling her teacher for coming to him with a concern regarding her being completely unprepared for the ball and then hacking at him and sending him to the dungeon for being rude to her was not.
I love a protective Male lead but I still find he trends too far towards possessive and potentially abusive at least at this point.

Agreed for sure, remember Travis is I love with her and wants to protect her yes he’s a possessive but maybe that’s because he loves her enough to want her to become his bride but remember if a human marries a royal vampire then the human would be a solid target from ancestors. Travis is also taking care of a human he’s not a human, and he know humans are fragile so that’s probably another reason he’s possessive
Honestly i felt constant pain when i read how lost Travis was, how detached and confused himself. He freaks out when he sees Areum all sick and weak, it reminds him about the realization that Areum is a human and might die at anytime. It feels extremely sad when he smiled at the thought Areum staying with him because "this is the second best place after her hometown" realizing she's here not because she wants to but at least she chose me ! That grasping of a faint hope really saddens me.
The whole ordeal of Areum being insensitive is extremely fine for me. She wasn't a blinded main character that melts at the nice gifts and special treatment. Travis whole ordeal of trying to be nicer to her and people around her is also redeeming for me, he dranks the poison he knew he wouldn't get affected anyway and goes to do things that he deems will make her happy and forgive him eventually. He looks lost trying to make things right, and he genuinely said sorry and even throw his pride away just for her to say 'i forgive you'
It is extremly satisfying that a character doesn't just throw the whole abuse treatment away because the abuser is being nicer yet when they fucked up, the preparator goes rabid and does the same thing again. Eventough Travis has a hard time, he tries to control his anger and his behaviour even when he was irrationally mad and jealous. I appreciate that. It took a violent deal to control ourselves. Nice i am officially hooked.