Trying to find a manga...

SilverTiger July 27, 2019 8:41 pm

Hey, I really need some help finding a hetero manga (can't remember the exact genre, but I think it had smut). It would be awesome if someone had some clues or actually remembers the name, since I've long forgotten it.

So the story is something along the lines of a woman with big assets comes across a rich guy (a prince or something) and he takes a liking to her even though she doesn't wear short, fancy clothes and doesn't wear much makeup (if any). She also wears glasses, I believe. Near the end of the manga, they go to a ski resort and she's upset for some reason and heads down the mountain on an expert slope without realizing it. She hurts herself, finds a cabin, and I think there was also something about kidnappers? Anyway, the prince comes to save her.

Thank you so much in advance!

    SilverTiger July 28, 2019 12:26 am maybe? Yujin

    I think so... I'll read it a bit to find out. Thank you so much!

    SilverTiger July 28, 2019 2:33 am maybe? Yujin

    Ah... I've read through it. It wasn't the one I was thinking of, unfortunately. The woman I remember had long light brown hair and she and her man (prince or not) were stuck in a cabin waiting out a snowstorm, so they huddled together for warmth (naked, I think). Haha, but thank you for trying to help. Please let me know if you see anything similar! :)