I like this manhwa..buuuut.why is the mc suddenly showing such a self important attitude.I...

narutoisbae July 27, 2019 11:01 am

I like this manhwa..buuuut.why is the mc suddenly showing such a self important attitude.Ian betrayed you?You were never close enough for that... ( ̄へ ̄)

    Night July 27, 2019 12:19 pm

    It is more so the kind of betrayal that you thought you somewhat knew that person but in the end they lied to you. They were closer than strangers so a bit of hurt you could spare her, even more so it turned out he used her to his advantage to get more inormation in very subtle ways. That's how I see it, but you are right in a way that she is exaggerating it.

    Mavikelebek July 27, 2019 2:19 pm

    İt is so normal to her feeling this one. House was full of murdered ,your friends hot killed and only one who helped you has totally different identity . Ian didn't.make a mistake when he was searching for case but seeing everyone lying her trust shaked of course

    narutoisbae July 27, 2019 2:26 pm
    İt is so normal to her feeling this one. House was full of murdered ,your friends hot killed and only one who helped you has totally different identity . Ian didn't.make a mistake when he was searching for cas... Mavikelebek

    No i get that her trust has shaken.Quite normal in her situation but saying that Ian betrayed her is a bit hypocritical seeing as she never trusted him in the first place, stole from him, reported him to a detective of being involved in something shady.She never made an effort to befriend him and neither did he so how could there be betrayal between them

    Mavikelebek July 27, 2019 2:28 pm
    No i get that her trust has shaken.Quite normal in her situation but saying that Ian betrayed her is a bit hypocritical seeing as she never trusted him in the first place, stole from him, reported him to a dete... narutoisbae

    Oh i get what you said. I agree . But still I think she had feeling for him

    Anon August 12, 2019 8:56 am
    No i get that her trust has shaken.Quite normal in her situation but saying that Ian betrayed her is a bit hypocritical seeing as she never trusted him in the first place, stole from him, reported him to a dete... narutoisbae

    wasn't he the one that sent her best friend (the chef's helper) off, and didn't even bother to tell her that the person she was desperate to find was safe. I think that is a pretty nasty betrayal.

    And as for the reporting to a detective, she did the right thing. The dude WAS shady, he was hiding something, and she was spot on, on finding someone who was not acting normally. In that regard too, he betrayed her. He didn't warn her that sh** was about to go sour, and instead, when she could have potentially saved a life, and assisted him, he instead, even KNOWING she wasn't involved, chose to stay silent. Yes. He betrayed her, and it cost someone her life.

    Mavikelebek August 12, 2019 10:07 am
    wasn't he the one that sent her best friend (the chef's helper) off, and didn't even bother to tell her that the person she was desperate to find was safe. I think that is a pretty nasty betrayal. And as for t... Anon

    I agree he was sure she wasn't involved with murders but stay silent and one of her friends died in roof. He could say be careful etc