I'm searching for a specific webcomic.

TrueDarkHorse July 25, 2019 1:07 am

First off, I did not find this comic on this website. I know this probably isn't the best platform for me to ask this but I'm desperate at this point.

I only remember random bits of information about the comic.

Format- It was in the style of an anime webcomic. I only ever read it on Youtube. The comic was slightly animated. For example, hand movements and head shakes/change in expressions. It had audio and voice acting. It was in a different language, most likely Korean, but it had english subtitles. I'm pretty sure the people who posted the story on YouTube were a real company rather than just the artist trying to get more exposure or a fan of the story uploading it on Youtube. I used to get Youtube ads for it allll the time. The story was set up into episodes where new installments would be uploaded on a set schedule.

Characters- I can only remember 3 of them. The main female character (I'll call her FC) had short hair (possibly orange) and liked to draw. The main male character (MC) had short dark hair. Was tall. Liked sports and may have been on some sports team like soccer. There was a red head guy (RH) who was outgoing and confident. It always seemed like he was flirting with FC and the story hinted that he may like her.

The Story- It was about a highschool girl who ends up having to live with this other family. I don't remember the reason but it was probably along the lines of, "She wants to go to this new school so I'll let my daughter stay at my friend's house with their son.", type of deal.

The Beginning- FC walks into the house and runs into MC as he's coming out of the bathroom from his shower. They both freak out and I think she ends up hitting him. The MC calls his family, surprised that she either came earlier than he thought or that they hadn't told him someone would be living with them. I think after this, the next day he tells her not to talk to him at school which pisses her off.

A part I remember in the middle- RH goes over to their house dressed as a pizza delivery man with pizza. MC opens the door and RH sees FC walk out of the bathroom from a shower (fully clothed but hair wet). RH begins to freak out, yelling about how they're living together, they must be going out or married etc. The two try to calm him down. RH gets invited inside where they explain the situation to him.

Last episode I remember- FC and MC are walking home one day. At this point they've become a little closer to each other. Either MC gets hit by a car/motocycle or FC almost gets hit by a vehicle and MC pushes her out of the way and gets himself hit in the process. The last I remember is him being in a hospital bed and FC and friends coming over to see him. The accident may have also injured his body so he is no longer able to play sports as well as he used to.

Random things about it- FC is weirded out by a certain food. I think it's fish and she can't eat it. MC picks one off the plate and tells her she doesn't have to eat it if she doesn't want to. One scene, FC is sitting in the bleachers, drawing pictures of MC as he and others are doing gym. Idk if this helps but I remember alot of white, blues and greens were in the title of the webcomic.

Any information or guesses about the comic are appreciated.
