And dojun... WHAT DO YOU MEAN "I didnt want chowon to find out." YOU AND CHOWON DIVIDED. W...

hunforlay July 23, 2019 7:20 pm

And dojun... WHAT DO YOU MEAN "I didnt want chowon to find out." YOU AND CHOWON DIVIDED. WHAT THE FUCK. Im sure, heeso sees himself as a second lover. My boy...

    Webtoons are my life July 23, 2019 7:33 pm

    He said that because he was most likely afraid that chowon would hurt heesoo, because he broke somebodies leg when they were completely innocent, and he doesn't want heesoo to get hurt when they are actually dating chowon might hurt him bad

    samzoca July 23, 2019 8:25 pm

    cause he's afraind chowon will do something to heeso. that's why. he know's what chowon is capable of.