
Asher1529 July 23, 2019 1:46 am

allendis suddenly turning hella yandere is kinda weird? he was always portrayed as someone soft, kind, respectful but this sudden 180 on his personality, hella strange

anyways, he can back off now bc nobody likes a psychotic partner.

stan carsein yall

    angix96 July 23, 2019 8:49 am

    Well I don't think it's a 180 in his personality, cause there were little things that could let you think he was a little psycho, but most of all he was always way too calculating not to think he was the bad guy.


    PPS I don't really think so bad of the prince in this timeline either. Of course, he still has a long way to redeem from his past behaviour, but I think he can redeem: he's not the same prince he was back than, but I don't know what will happen if the girl of the prophecy come again also in this timeline. Mmm... Well, I'll wait and see what will happen!!

    Tobe July 24, 2019 5:01 am
    Well I don't think it's a 180 in his personality, cause there were little things that could let you think he was a little psycho, but most of all he was always way too calculating not to think he was the bad gu... angix96

    This story really made you wait in anticipation and vain.. I mean, the author gaves you a lot time to think of all the possibilities of how the story would turn out.

    angix96 July 24, 2019 1:46 pm
    This story really made you wait in anticipation and vain.. I mean, the author gaves you a lot time to think of all the possibilities of how the story would turn out. Tobe

    Really it is! And I like it that way! Cause I like to think what will happen next, even if I know that what I think will never come true lol but I'll wait and see

    Tobe July 24, 2019 2:23 pm
    Really it is! And I like it that way! Cause I like to think what will happen next, even if I know that what I think will never come true lol but I'll wait and see angix96

    yeah that feeling when the things are getting shitty and makes you feel frustrated wanting to dropped it but still in the end you decided to continue reading this lololol,