Kinda fucked up, people who commit suicide have mental health problems caused by numerous ...

kay July 22, 2019 10:08 pm

Kinda fucked up, people who commit suicide have mental health problems caused by numerous reasons. It’s sick how the author tries to make out that suicidal people are bad and deserve to go to hell. Like hell no, they deserve to go to a better place, if they had to kill themselves just to get away from what they’re experiencing on earth. Sorry if you think I’m being over dramatic, I just found it offending.

    Herecomesmrpickle:O=3 July 17, 2020 1:26 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Petitenoisette

    If I’m sensitive then your sensitive for being offended and commenting back on my personal opinion. Everyone can share their view, cause guess what not every religious person believes god will condemn a person to hell from committing suicide. And it’s obvious that if an author is publishing their work, it’s going to be critiqued. It’s life. XD

    son of thors September 10, 2023 10:34 pm

    yeah. some religious people often say stuff like this to guilt trip them into not doing it, but *spoiler alert* it just makes it worse