Reply to Atrone

louloulou July 22, 2019 8:49 pm

I'm posting this as a new comment for more visibility but this is a direct reply to @Atrone's comment. @Atrone said

1) zero character development for DG - WRONG. dg is naturally an introvert. he said this in the flashback. he's not just the type to go out and make friends by himself. so when he was approached by the group of boys in highschool to be a part of their friend group, he was happy and felt included. which is why it was all the more hurtful and traumatic for him when it was them, the people he trusted and felt safe with, who betrayed him by outing him. they made him an outcast and he carried that trauma for the rest of his life. even in the army, jaejin was the one who approached him and befriended him and in college, it was chanwoo who approached him and stuck with him as a friend. when he got together with jiwon, dg became happy and found someone he can rely on. the truth is, he didn't have to come out to jaejin, but he wanted to be honest and mustered up the courage to do so despite being so afraid of losing another friend he trusts. the character development in dg is him being confident enough to face losing someone important because he wants to be honest to that person about who he really is. that's all there is to him. that's what's been holding him back - honesty and courage to the people who matters to him. he doesn't have to be suddenly outgoing or assertive or brazen because that's not who he is. he just needed to develop out of his own trauma as a character. that is what character development is - not some extravagant change that will happen to a character to show he "developed". dg is still himself, but he's grown out of his fears.

2) cliche ending - ???? what do you want for the ending, exactly? both characters found what they were looking for in each other and along the way, they grew together because of each other. cliche happy ending or not, these endings don't need to be surprising or have a "twist" for them to be good. so many stories have been told a thousand and million times already. the story simply needs to be told in a way that will do the characters and their struggles justice while still giving us an ending that makes sense within those parameters. no twist, no surprise - but something satisfying because the characters deserve it.

3) abusive relationship and emotional manipulation - WRONG. again, i don't get this misconception that some of the readers seem to have about this webtoon. from the get go, jiwon was clear with dg that they will merely be sex partners. he made it clear that that is all they will ever be. jiwon was clear. he doesn't want attachment and feelings mixing with sex because then it gets messy. and the minute it does, he will end things because he wants to avoid that because he's already been terribly hurt before for loving someone that he doesn't want that again. but dg lied to him from the beginning. he was always hopeful that jiwon would develop feelings for him and continuously acted so he won't lose jiwon. when jiwon found out about dg's feelings for him, he got angry especially when dg brought up hweemin who he has been trying so hard to forget. he cut dg clean after that because that's how it's gonna be from the start. they were in a relationship were both wants different things from each other. jiwon who only wanted sex and dg who continuously lied to jiwon and kept coming back to him for the sex, wanting jiwon to develop feelings for him. dg was well aware of what he was doing, and he knew what he was lying for. the more i look at this, the more it seems like the people who thinks it's an abusive relationship are the ones who just wanted jiwon to develop feelings for dg despite him being clear it was just a sex partnership. why? is it because in movies, tv shows, webtoons and manggas, the main character should always get the love interest. so despite the main character lying and deceiving the love interest to get what he wants, he's forgiven and sympathized with because why wouldn't the love insterest just love him already???? can't the love interest see how sweet and kind he is? how much he loves the love interest so sincerely? but that isn't always the case, no? jiwon was clear it was a sex partnership and dg knew and accepted that. jiwon's only problem was that along the way, he very clearly has been developing feelings for dg hence all the jealousy and possessiveness. and as a result, he kept pushing dg away. he wasn't manipulating dg, he was staying true to their deal and also protecting himself from getting hurt. not knowing that in doing so, he was also hurting dg the same way hweemin hurt him which snapped him out of his own feelings and started acknowledging how he really felt for dg. dg was right, they only had sex when jiwon called him, they did what jiwon wanted but that's because dg let him. because dg was hoping jiwon would eventually like him when in truth, when dg wanted something, jiwon also listened and give in to him. if dg was honest with jiwon and told him what he wants all the time, if he set aside his feelings, then he wouldn't be saying those things to jiwon. when jiwon suspected that this was the case, he even asked dg if he had feelings for him because he doesn't want that. he didn't like feelings. if jiwon was truly abusing dg, he was truly manipulating dg's emotions, he would use dg's feelings for him when he found out, but instead he wanted to end it because that was their agreement.

4) homophobia arc for no reason - WRONG. homophobia has always been an underlying theme throughout the whole webtoon. this story isn't set in a fiction reality where everyone and their mother is gay. this is set in modern world south korea where being lgbt is still seen as something shameful, something to hide that only exists in spaces that people wouldn't look and are willing to look away from and ignore. that's the reason why dg has been hiding himself for so long, why he doesn't approach people on his own. that's also why kanghun using jiwon's sexuality as blackmail to bring him down was significant because it's something to be ashamed of, something that can destroy his perfect image that he has been working so hard on to keep up since he was little. it's also another part of jiwon that is a disgrace to his parents, something that makes him so different from the son they wanted him to be. that's why when the student council found out and accepted him and dg, he felt so relieved and happy. because these are people who look up to him but accepted him. still, they all agreed not to spread it because they know that while they may be understanding, not everyone will be. the student council knew jiwon, they know him as someone more than just his reputation. so they can afford to accept him for more than his sexuality but not everyone does. see, homophobia isn't some random plot point, it's a very central part of the whole story.

5) jiwon becoming a completely different person from one chapter to the other - VERY WRONG!!! at this point, i don't know if you actually read the webtoon or you're just trolling us or your reading comprehension is so bad you understood nothing from the webtoon... since jiwon was a child, all he ever wanted was to be accepted and loved by the people around him. he wasn't perfect. he made mistakes but he still did his best because he wanted his parents to be proud of him. but he was still always being compared to his perfect brother and no matter how hard he tried, he was never good enough. for his parents, not being number 1 meant failure hence jiwon was a failure to them. so he tried his best to fit in, to always be nice to other people so they would love him. just as he wore alex's mask to receive the love he was craving for from strangers, he also wore a mask at school to receive the acceptance he never got from his parents. when dg found out he was also alex, that mask he has been wearing was threatened. he was scared to be found out and have his mask ruined so he tried to push dg away but it was clear from the start that he was already attracted to dg - hence his proposition to be sex partners. through their time as sex partners, jiwon has been hot and cold to dg because while he was trying so hard to push dg away and not develop feelings for him, he isn't entirely heartless either. there were moments you can see that he lets dg gets his way or how weak he is to dg when dg looks sad or is crying, or how he admires dg when dg tries to be assertive. so when dg confesses to him, you could see how shaken he was, how he tried to talk to dg but when dg suddenly mention hweemin, jiwon snapped and hit him. and just like the other two times jiwon has hurt dg during sex, jiwon immediately realized and stopped. but this time, he couldn't just stop and pull out. dg has already walked out. one of the things that really set him out of his axis was how dg was willing to walk away from his feelings, that he appeared to have no lingering feelings left for jiwon. to jiwon who cried and got immensely hurt by hweemin, who resented him for years and held a grudge for hurting him, that felt like a huge wake up call to him. the reason why jiwon was hot and cold to dg was always because of this. he was as afraid of his feelings as he was afraid of dg's feelings. when everything was finally resolved and they finally got together, it wasn't a new jiwon who suddenly turned sweet to dg, who had a personality transplant like some people are accusing him of, that was simply who jiwon is as a person. he is rough and callous. he's not perfect but he cares about those who means to him. he was sweet to dg because that's who he is without all the fear and the baggage that hweemin brought him. there was no personality change. like real people, jiwon's personality isn't one dimensional. that's why dg always says "i love all the parts of you, sunbae" because jiwon has many sides to him and there was finally someone in his life he can fully be honest with and accept him for all of it.

6) side characters existing just for fetishization - WRONG AGAIN, seriously???? myungdae and chanwoo exist for a reason. they don't have any story line because like the author said, there's no conflict with them. they serve to move the plot along like real side characters are. myungdae served as the number 2 in alex's career, someone who can take away his spot, number 1, the spot that only matters according to his parents. myungdae and chanwoo's bdsm relationship is a direct opposite of jiwon's and dg's. bdsm is all about transparency and trust. they were clear with each other since the start and they know exactly what they want from the relationship. while jiwon's and dg's was started through lies - jiwon can't get it up if not with dg, and dg wants a romantic relationship with jiwon.

    louloulou July 24, 2019 7:29 pm
    it only wouldve dragged on anyway. and it would take too long and until then everything probably wouldnt even be relevant anymore. it was funny tho to read the excuses of the other person trying to justify some... Atrone

    lmao and what was funny about me explaining character behavior that you can't even disprove? what's funny is you coming here all high and mighty to shit on something but when presented with a real character study and asked to explain yourself, you suddenly "don't care enough" because it's not relevant anymore lol. well let me tell you this, as a behaviorist who actually profiles human behavior, i would love to read your character study because to me, character studies will ALWAYS be relevant.

    louloulou July 24, 2019 7:29 pm
    best believe ima reread this entire thing and write you an entire essay with SOURCES Atrone

    and this essay with sources is where????

    extraterrestrialsandwich July 24, 2019 9:09 pm
    don't worry, what you said made sense. this is a good explanation of what you dislike about it and is the reason why i asked in the first place. i mean, of course, you can always just say - i don't like it blah... louloulou

    well i'm glad that the author's intent shone through for most people, and honestly, you're probably right that i've forgotten or mistunderstood parts of it (i'm always better off binging stuff, i have trouble connecting dots sometimes) but i think this all boils down to personal preference. i can have really strong feelings about characters, positive and negative. i didn't like jiwon from the start, and that's why i couldn't agree with the manhwa when it started painting him in a more positive light. it's a thing i wish i didn't have but it poisons many stories for me! i remember i couldn't stand lance from voltron, for example. i did see how jiwon's character changed, i did get what they were trying to get at with his backstory and personality and stuff, and of course that whole "you can choose to not be a bad person" is a very VERY complex thing that i was trying to explain very briefly. of course it doesn't fucking work like that, and you're always a product of your environment, and i'm not saying that anyone can be an angel no matter what happens to you. i mean, how boring wouldn't stories be if no one was an asshole. but, if i'm being completely fucking real with you? i'm trying to remember all my thoughts and feelings on this and i'm drawing a blank. i remember i had a whole fucking thing about this but right now, it's lost on me, so, i guess this is the end of this hahah. i still disagree with lots of things you said, but i can see that we just saw the same story differently. hopefully i'll have better experiences with, perhaps, the next project this author will be working on. i wish we would be talking to each other in different circusmtances cause you seem so sweet and smart and this manhwa makes me angry and tired hahah (i'm just glad i could have a discussion online without a panic attack hahah. is it noticable i never do this?)

    extraterrestrialsandwich July 24, 2019 9:18 pm
    well i'm glad that the author's intent shone through for most people, and honestly, you're probably right that i've forgotten or mistunderstood parts of it (i'm always better off binging stuff, i have trouble c... extraterrestrialsandwich

    oh my fucking god my brain doesn't work anymore i'm sorry, what i meant with i'm drawing a blank isn't that i'm having memory problems (that too, but), what i mean is, like i said earlier, when i was into this story i was into it, and i could list every single beef i had with it, but that was a long while ago now and after the dust settled, i've focused on other things, i haven't been thinking abt this story. only reason i'm here talking now is because i was disappointed by the ending (and the entire story ig) but i got tired of getting worked up about it a long time ago. it might not seem like it because i'm here bitching about the story now, but i mostly spend my time singing praise for stories i do like rather than point out bad shit about stuff i don't like. it brings me down, man. i've let it go and i don't know why i'm still here making a big deal out of it.