Guess it's a change from all the "first love & virgin, happy ever after yaoi". The ch...

Anonymous July 20, 2019 4:07 pm

Guess it's a change from all the "first love & virgin, happy ever after yaoi". The characters go through relationships, they end, they are unrequited, bit more realism really. Daisuke cheating on his wife and kids for 10 years was poor though. At least now it ended with him getting a divorce. Makes you think if same-sex marriage was legal, and the expectations to get a wife & child were lessened, would things be different, or would societal change not matter, Daisuke and Bum would still be plodding along, falling in and out of each others lives but still always there in their minds. Guess Akio may have gotten back with his girlfriend too?

    Off_Brand_Barbie July 20, 2019 4:31 pm

    I makes me feel happy to live somewhere where it is legal

    flower August 24, 2020 3:30 pm

    I'm not sure they're too worried about what society thinks. I think Daisuke just loved both of them. Also he has commitment issues which is present when he divorced his wife (the one who poured boiling water on his finger) to get with this girl he met on the streets and fell in love with but ended with them getting separated by her family...and then he met bun...bun left him because of insecurities about the girl from daisukes past. Which later proved to be a problem as daisuke got together with the very girl bun was worried about from daisukes past...his character is quite frustrating because of his inability to choose. Daisuke's marriage probably started going downhill after he met again with bun and started his extramarital affairs with's shitty af because they did seem cute af. But it seems that his past is repeating itself in that he can't keep his dick loyal to one person

    flower August 24, 2020 3:35 pm

    All in all this manga really brings light on bi-sexuality. However, most ppl have a preference regarding whether or not men and women are strictly sexual or relationship material to them. In this case I feel like bun was the exception in that daisuke saw him as more than just a sex partner which made things complicating because he can't have both his wife and bun at the same time