I mean... to all those shouting rape

Fujoishi101 July 20, 2019 4:10 am

I mentioned this in a reply, but now, now... let's not be so quick to call rape. But HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY dubious consent? Yes. This was very borderline (keyword, border line) rape. The uke consented to it, only that the seme made a fucked up scene of it. He knew the uke didn't like it but he continued anyways. A.k.a. unpleasurable rough sex.

Main part of the thing is, not matter how angry the seme was, he shouldn't have treated him like that.. Honestly there's just too much of a lack of communication between them. I usually hate shit like this, but considering the context of it all, I'll stick around to see what happens.

Man... what a hot mess. I sort of want to see how this whole thing resolves itself.

    TailedBeastMode July 20, 2019 4:15 am

    If you consent to having sex, it doesn’t mean that you can’t take it back. At anytime during sex you can withdraw consent by saying stop, no, it hurts, or any other kind of body language that says no. Rape consists of many different definitions than “no means no.” The uke was sick and crying while expressing pain during sex, I don’t know what else he could have done to say no in that state. In the end it’s just fiction, but in order to increase awareness of rape we must first be willing to use the word when we encounter it.

    Sachiko July 20, 2019 7:02 am
    If you consent to having sex, it doesn’t mean that you can’t take it back. At anytime during sex you can withdraw consent by saying stop, no, it hurts, or any other kind of body language that says no. Rape ... TailedBeastMode

    Exactly. I have no issue with someone calling a spade a spade and not passing the buck in terms of responsibility (i.e. in this case victim blaming), and still liking a character like that, after all that has never been my issue.

    nezu July 20, 2019 10:56 am

    That's rape though...

    Seashell July 20, 2019 12:58 pm
    If you consent to having sex, it doesn’t mean that you can’t take it back. At anytime during sex you can withdraw consent by saying stop, no, it hurts, or any other kind of body language that says no. Rape ... TailedBeastMode

    I wish I could like comments! I’d give you 10 thumbs up

    looololol July 21, 2019 3:26 am

    um this was 100% rape dumbass if at any point your partner tells you to stop, starts crying from pain, is literally not coherent due to illness or alcohol or drugs and you haven’t negotiated it as a kink beforehand, it’s absolutely mandatory for you to pull out and make sure they’re okay like Jesus Christ I’m fucking floored at these idiots who don’t understand how consent works