Not only he and the ex did it, they did it almost everyday. The ex told our MC that Nao came to her house almost everyday... I assume that was for sex..
Whhaaaa...?? No way. That's fucking gross.. ugh. FUCK, THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!
I could never. Maybe it's just because I'm a really possessive person. And by that I'm not even joking. I don't get how she can deal with that, personally I'd be so turned off I wouldn't like him anymore.
At least make the girl not a virgin too FOR FUCKS SAKE
Okay I guess this contains slight spoilers so...
Maybe it's just me.. I fucking hate the fact he did it with his ex. Rather, it's disgusting. I couldn't help but read the rest without grimacing. Maybe I don't know the full context, but it's just so annoying.
I mean, I get it. It's not strange for you to have had sex before meeting the person you'll come to love. But.. ugh. Disgusting. I don't know how she isn't disgusted and shit
And the ex is so goddamn annoying like know your place bitch and back off
And what's with shoujo and exes? Irritating much?! I've been going to a shoujo spree and it's always exes that and that, blah blah blah.
They're always fucking their ex while the fucking fml is always a virgin.