Aight so for those interested, I’ve read the novel and I feel like I can provide a decen...

Pyonhyeii July 23, 2019 1:20 pm

Aight so for those interested, I’ve read the novel and I feel like I can provide a decent enough spoiler piece for those interested... I’ve heard that the novel and manga go in slightly different ways but it’s good at least seeing what happens after. I also added a lot of extra lil details but it’s honestly just so cute seeing their relationship develop.
After the confrontation scene with Bertia and Heroina, Bertia starts avoiding the prince more. Bertia is reported by the prince to be more sad and depressed and when he finally confronts Bertia, she claims that her inevitable villainess ending is coming upon her because her body is reverting back to how she’s originally was (chubby instead of the slim she attained). She also says that she’s avoiding him because next year would be her doom (the final confrontation in which she is exiled) Cecil then explains that it wasn’t some fate, and that she had been gaining weight because of all the sweets she had as a result of other noble ladies giving it to her due to her rise in popularity from the festival - she and Cecil were announced to be winners of best couple award.

Some time after, Cecil is annoyed by the Heroina’s constant antics to attack Bertia and confides in the Kulgan to what Heroina had been doing as of late. Kulgan proceeds to go on and say that the heroina had been visiting him constantly to ask for any evil doings of Marquis Noches and badtalking Bertia. The other dudes a part of the student council hears what’s going on and chimes in, all saying that Heroina was saying cruel and slandering words to them about their significant other constantly which made them all hate her even more. They form a plan to not retaliate and simply let the heroina to come to her own delusional conclusions and see where that’ll cause take her.

All mentions of the Graduation Party and Heroina was a forbidden topic to talk to Bertia about due to her eyes getting depressed whenever they came up and Cecil hated seeing her lose light in her eyes. Cecil does have to ask Bertia what color she wants her dress to be. It went from yellow to blue, to more ‘villainess colors’ such as red n red; this pains Cecil and when he asks why, Bertia says smthn similar to this ‘because yellow and blue are colors full of fun memories and i don’t want my downfall to be included with those colors.’ There was also a part where Bertia gives Cecil a worn diary, she explains that it documents all of her evil deeds and that with it, he would be able to take her down in the downfall. What’s inside tells of Bertia CLAIMING to do evil things but instead, it’s her butchered retelling of actions she did that in others eyes, was very sweet and non-villainy.

Finally it came time for the graduation party. Bertia’s dress was picked by Cecil and it was blue and yellow which signified his eyes and hair (there’s more details about it in chapter 14), pretty romantic and Bertia asks Cecil as they’re about to enter the hall what he thinks of her: ‘you’re adorable-‘ but is interrupted by the announcer. His unspoken words to her are: ‘and my precious fiancée.’

The heroine is wearing a yellow dress and was being attended by men around her, they’re not influenced because of Kuro and Zeno’s dark powers and are merely attending her due to greed. Cecil passes the student council leader job to Kulgan since he’s a year younger and then calls Bertia up to the stage. She’s a frightened mess and stutters when addressing him. I’ll just add some butchered dialogue i remember instead since it’ll be pretty easy to guess who’s talking.

“Bertia... you have committed a grave crime.”
“EHHHH b-but I don’t remember doing anything...”
“of being born two years younger than me.”
“What? How is that a crime???”
“Therefore i will give you this ring and upon your graduation, we will be married.”

It’s how it goes in a nutshell and super cute. The ring is put upon Bertia’s hand by cecil himself since Bertia still can’t seem to understand what’s happening and keeps on saying ‘but my downfall’ and ‘your happy ending.’


It was Heroina, she’s super mad and goes up to the stage to confront them. She claims that Bertia isn’t worthy of being princess and says that’s a Bertia has been bullying everyone, then she asks Kulgan to defend her since he was ‘victimized by Bertia’ and also ‘exposes’ Marquis Noches for his deeds. Kulgan then says that none of it is true and that
he never admitted nor denied anything as per Cecil’s orders. She asks people in the audience to stand up against Bertia, ‘now is your chance, your highness will listen to every one of your woes and lets expose Bertia!’ No one comes up, the ladies that partook in her gossip may not like Bertia a bit, but they weren’t willing to lose their positions. Heroina is seen as a fool and then her spirit bird comes crashing in through the windows as a ball of light aimed towards Cecil and Bertia who was being hugged by Cecil. Kuro puts up a lightning shield and Zeno does some stuff, however the bird is putting his entire life force into the attack and Cecil faints.

His fainting was a cause of the bird’s Attack who shows him scenes in the original Otome game with his own body being turned into a doll so that he can’t feel anything, he’s given a fake warmth upon meeting Heroina in the supposed scenes and he learns not to trust in that warmth and what goes on after is the bird acknowledging that they failed. He wakes up to hearing that Bertia was gonna shave her head. Her logic was that shaving her head would be he best way to wake him up because she’s needed to go through a villainess doom. She thankfully doesn’t cut any of her hair.

For Heroina’s crimes, she was disowned by her father and exiled from the kingdom. Cecil gives her two options, a monastery near the kingdom or a place far north. However upon learning of her beloved birds death, she is a weeping mess and crying. So Cecil also explains that he saved a part of the parts soul with the help of zeno and with enough praying and stuff, the bird could come back. But the monastery is really weak and the bird wouldn’t get revived within heroina’s lifetime but the place far north gave her a higher chance of reviving. Heroina chose the place far north which signified that she chose her companions life over her own life which was her redemption kind of.

Cecil and Bertia end up getting married and cecil is handed a paper by Kuro (Kuro at this point was against the relationship and essentially kept on cockblocking him the entire time with Zeno just watching) which was a list of top 100 things Bertia really wanted at her wedding. It was late for a lot of them but they did have a semi-bonding moment and cecil aimed to complete it - it was the following:

1. A first bite (meant to signify that they eat together from now on and the parents we were supposed to do a demonstration first. They just eat a cake slice together)

2. To have an exchanging of rings (it didn’t exist once this country but basically they hand their rings to one another and so cecil put Bertia’s ring on her hands himself instead of her doing it - it got approval cause the ladies in the audience thought it was rlly romantic)

3. To be princess carried out by Cecil (her wedding dress was very heavy and need 2-3 maids to transport, but since Bertia’s did all her dieting, she was considerably stronger than the average noble lady and spun around a mirror unaided. Cecil abliged cause he also strong and carried Bertia out which was met with envious gazes of the women in attendance.)

4. Bouquet toss (it went rlly successfully and the one who received it was Kuro who jumped up to get it [Bertia: Kuro this isn’t fetch!] and kept on eyeing Zeno)

5. A lot of flower petals raining down as they exit the venue (done by Cecil and accepted by the citizens)

6. Thank you letter (a letter that Bertia read to her parents and parent in law that was prepared by Cecil with drafts from Kuro, they all burst out crying)

    Pyonhyeii July 15, 2019 3:45 pm

    Honestly just read the novel it’s super nice and I butchered so many of the cute scenes TT

    ordinary July 15, 2019 7:50 pm

    Wait , wdym by Cecil and Heroine end up getting married. Did you make a mistake putting Bertia name to Heroina(⊙…⊙ )

    Pyonhyeii July 16, 2019 5:32 am
    Wait , wdym by Cecil and Heroine end up getting married. Did you make a mistake putting Bertia name to Heroina(⊙…⊙ ) ordinary

    ACK- I didn’t notice lmao but yes, it was Bertia and Cecil that married - not Heroina.

    M.T July 23, 2019 4:47 am
    ACK- I didn’t notice lmao but yes, it was Bertia and Cecil that married - not Heroina. Pyonhyeii

    You could edit it. Click or tap on your title then it will allow you to edit.

    *lol* July 24, 2019 5:12 am

    Could you send the link for the novel. Because I would actually prefer to read the novel.

    Pyonhyeii August 7, 2019 6:33 am
    Could you send the link for the novel. Because I would actually prefer to read the novel. *lol*

    quacky August 13, 2019 6:28 am

    Thank you for the spoilers. I read every single words, really appreciate it!