BL Manhwa/manhua recc about angel
Good Straight Smut Manhwa
gotta feel it
i m okay physically weak but mentally strong uke, however not vice versa. (...
Strawberry pie
I need bls that have gothic, Vampire, mafia uke or semes PLEASE
Is there any manhwas like sunny dayssss
Find manga help
Any manhua like there is no place for fakes
So I saw a topic asking for the worst seme and uke and I am wondering who you guys think the best seme and uke are.
One of my favorite semes of all time would have to be Ueda from Honto Yajuu because he is just all around boyfriend goals. He's always looking out for Aki and is just an overall nice guy.
As for ukes I am super tempted to say Aki but I feel like I should choose one from a different manga. So for this one I'm gonna say Onoe from Ameiro Paradox. I've always liked how Natsume Isaku writes her characters and Onoe is no exception. I kinda like how he's more headstrong. Like he's not a pushover which a lot of ukes tend to be. He's also pretty funny to watch. xD
Who are your favorite seme and uke??
I'd love to know