I doubt anyone will use their main email for site like this. Come on, people must have at least three emails. As for this type of site, I bet most people won't connect the email with their main email/phone number, etc. Some people, including me, even use VPN for site like this because like you said it's unsecured.
It's like unwritten rule to do those things if you want to surf on the unsecured parts of the internet. Well, I guess some people don't know those "rules".
I just don't understand why some people don't bother/don't want to have an account/make one yet they want to engage in deep discussion on the comment section.
Like, you have time for that but have no time to make an account?
Just read some comments from anonymous here, it's confusing as hell.
Well, that's just my personal opinion and advice.
It's going to be OOT, but I'll say it anyway.
To all anonymous commentators:
It's easy to make a account, make one!
It's less than 5 minutes.
Gosh, it's so confusing reading the comment sections when so many replies are from anonymous and they even replied to each other.
Plus, if you have an account, you can keep up with updates, making list, etc.
I never clicked the "allow anonymous reply" because I want to know who I was writing to when I reply.
Well, I know most of the people using alias (me too) but at least I know the account/profile.