I took her as a parasite since it seems she wants to be attached to her sister at all times. She might not realize that it's bad but she brings her up when it's obvious the dad doesn't like vio-chan and she calls her to have lunch with her all the time without realizing that maybe her sis has other plans. She ran after her sister after her performance when she could have gone else where or giver her space. Once again, she might not know what she is doing is bad for her sis but maryjun is a bit too clingy so I think calling her aparasite is ok. BTW there are three parasites one that lives in a simbioric relationship with it's host so even if she is called a parasite it could have been a complement.
Maryjun is a parasite, the dad is an absolute ass also Maryjun mom, the prince is a cunt who doesn’t deserve vio’s attention