Do you think he noticed that I like him?

Confused??? July 12, 2019 5:17 pm

So, this is weird place to ask questions like this, but honestly it's where I'm most comfortable. So, I like this dude, and when I'm around him I tend to be quiet. It always feels like if I try to approach him he'll notice that I'm interested (I know this is just insane paranoia but I can't help myself). However on the occasion we do talk, I always end up saying something really suddenly and it almost always comes out as overly passionate and strange. Most recently I said "YOUR HANDS ARE THE EPITOME OF MASCULINITY. I'VE THOUGHT THIS FOR YEARS AND I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DRAW THEM." He let me draw them, but I felt like a disgusting pervert the whole time, I was like man, why is he even putting up with this. I sort of ended up crying afterwards, because I felt oddly lonely. Basically he was having a normal conversation with his friend on a couch, and I sat behind the couch and drew his hands from there (kind of a hard situation to explain). Anyway, do you think he thinks I'm weird? I'm sorry this is a really annoying question, this just isn't the type of thing I discuss with my friends so I have nowhere to turn.

    potatoishere July 12, 2019 5:33 pm

    Um if you're saying unexpected things out of nowhere then yes, he might be thinking you're nervous/even like him. I'm also nervous around people especially my crush so I tend to be rude sometimes, so I understand your problem lol. My advice is if you wanna get closer to him think about what topic you want to have when talking with him. Like, prepare a topic you think would interest him. I'm not a very social person so I don't know much, but I hope it can go well between you and him~

    Confused??? July 12, 2019 5:41 pm
    Um if you're saying unexpected things out of nowhere then yes, he might be thinking you're nervous/even like him. I'm also nervous around people especially my crush so I tend to be rude sometimes, so I understa... potatoishere

    Oh man, the accidentally being rude thing is super real.

    potatoishere July 12, 2019 5:46 pm
    Oh man, the accidentally being rude thing is super real. Confused???

    Lol I'm mostly shy but my (past) ex was very annoying like he keeps joking around and being noisy so I just tell him to shut up and some rude things kqbxowblc haha

    im blessed every update July 12, 2019 6:08 pm

    he probably noticed i was good friends with this guy he noticed i kept looking at him and asked if i liked him and i, a dumbass, thought he would believe if i denied

    im blessed every update July 12, 2019 6:12 pm

    forgot to mention that im extremely introverted and idk how i mustered up the courage to speak to this dude and he kind of noticed he was the only one i was talking to oops

    eliphaslevi July 12, 2019 6:38 pm

    I totally understand that
    And yeah he probably noticed that you like him but just being nice about it
    And I turned into fucking robot when my crush talked to me and I can't even formed a whole sentence

    Basically its like this
    Him: hey how's your marks?
    Me: um.... Yeah...... What?
    And that's like the first time he talks to me and I messed up
    Just know that ur not alone bro

    moonbears July 12, 2019 9:12 pm

    you're busted