
I like bishounens July 12, 2019 6:28 am

The ending is sadder than the anime one's. I already bawled my eyes out watching the last episode of the anime (excuse me, the idea of having a harem of good looking guys and all the good memories of making each other grow as better people and you all end up feeling like a inseparable group does make me sad, yes) so, whoever is reading this, can you imagine reaction to the manga? In the anime, I had a pleasant surprise. I smiled through the tears. Here, I had hopes it would be the same... Boy, was I wrong. I reached the last pages, saw the gods appearing behind her and I had hopes. "Maybe they really came back for her and she'll remember... right?" No. It's pain and sadness. I reached the last page and thought "that was it?"
The ending might have been kinda open - I'd like to think the anime ending happened after that, but. BUT. The pain from the stab to my heart is still hurting. Deep down, I don't think what that ending was trying to convey. Whyyy ...
Ok, to whoever is reading this, congrats for ending this wall of text that was my rant. Thanks for your attention. Today we learned, don't underestimate mangas with bishounens on the cover otome game based, because otome games have bad endings and sometimes author feel more like basing the story on those, instead of harem end or one of the most popular routes' good end.
