should a newcomer jump in?

ponta July 11, 2019 8:16 am

I can't stand gore & torture (or shota-ish uke) so I was creeped out by its cover on Lezhn (not the cover here, the one with uke bleeding under scissors or sth )
...but I'm seeing this among the top BL of every charts it worth it?? some say it's deep, some say it's just torture after finishing the series would you recommend it? How gory/gross on a scale of 10? Is the story good enough for a gore-averse to brave thru this?

    Akino_Yonaga July 11, 2019 9:50 am

    Hmmm... I'm not sure. Since it's completed, it's good for binging. Yes, there are many gory parts, especially during that first season (probably the best season, though). I don't read gore for itself, so I can't give you a number. The story is generally good, and if you go in without romanticizing mental illnesses, it's interesting. I didn't like the ending, though, but that's my personal opinion. Would I read something else from this author? I probably would, just to see if they can actually write good endings or if I expected too much from this one.