Calling all fellow Witches and Warlocks

Eclipse July 9, 2019 9:52 pm

Hello and blessed be. I was just wondering if anyone else on here is a witch or a warlock? I'm an Eclectic Witch.

    YuzukiMikage July 9, 2019 10:00 pm

    Witches and warlocks aren't the same though?

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 10:10 pm
    Witches and warlocks aren't the same though? YuzukiMikage

    They are indeed the same. The only thing that changes is the gender. Both of them work with witchcraft. One is a sorceress and the other is a sorcerer.

    Mononoke_ July 9, 2019 10:36 pm

    Hey I don't want to be disrespectful but do you really think you're a witch? Or it is some sort of role-playing? I'm seriously curious

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 11:03 pm
    Hey I don't want to be disrespectful but do you really think you're a witch? Or it is some sort of role-playing? I'm seriously curious Mononoke_

    I really am a witch. If you work with witchcraft, then your a witch. It's not a role play thing. And you're alright. This is actually one of the more tolerable questions that witches get. A lot of people can become very offensive and just down right rude and close minded. One of the comment's that we tend to get is "You do realize that Harry Potter isn't real, right?" This one is more annoying then offensive. Like, you do realize that witchcraft is much, much older then Harry Potter. It's much older then the Catholic religion. In fact, if you really look into some of the Catholic traditions, a lot of them were taken from the Pagan traditions. I'm an Omnist. I have no idea if you know what that mean's, but you should look it up if you don't know. I'm also specifically an Eclectic Witch. Meaning that I don't just follow one specific craft. I take a little bit of all of them and make it in to my own.

    YuzukiMikage July 10, 2019 4:54 am
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    Witches can be male or female though? (Since a long time ago, until it was specified as a female in the modern years)
    Like how theres a difference between a mage, a sorcerer, a magician, druids and etc.

    Mononoke_ July 10, 2019 8:22 pm
    I really am a witch. If you work with witchcraft, then your a witch. It's not a role play thing. And you're alright. This is actually one of the more tolerable questions that witches get. A lot of people can be... Eclipse

    Thanks for response, I'll definitely look it up

    Eclipse July 10, 2019 10:10 pm
    Witches can be male or female though? (Since a long time ago, until it was specified as a female in the modern years)Like how theres a difference between a mage, a sorcerer, a magician, druids and etc.._. YuzukiMikage

    A warlock IS a male witch. The only thing is, is that it's more of a "mythical" name then a witch. To add to everything, a lot of people feel more comfortable calling male witches warlock's instead of calling them a witch. They ARE technically the same thing. I myself am a witch, so I already know what your trying to say. I was just saying warlock in case someone felt uncomfortable about being called a witch because there a guy. There are a few men out there who would prefer being called a warlock.

    Eclipse July 10, 2019 10:10 pm
    Thanks for response, I'll definitely look it up Mononoke_

    No problem. And your welcome.