Lol. Thank you for responding to my question. I appreciate it. And that's alright. I like a lot of the stones that you listed. If you are into stones, I would highly suggest looking up there ability's. I'm sure that you'll find out why your attracted to some of them and then to top it all off, I'm sure it will intrigue you. A lot of what you will find out will be pretty interesting.
Red Jasper boosts confidence, empowerment and energy. It’s great for the Solar Plexus and Base Chakra. A lot of red stones are passionate hence why there’s such a strong powerful vibe.
Moonstone is great for creativity, inspiration and new beginnings. For people with periods, it’s believed to help menstrual cycles and hormones. Works well with the crown, third eye and sacral chakra.
Selenite is purifying and calming. I keep one above my door to cleanse all of the energy from the outside world before I bring all of that “negative bullshit” into my room lmao. Another that’s good for periods and cycles. Also works well with the same Chakra’s as Moonstone. Most white stones have similar characteristics in terms of what they support or do.
Those are the three I know the most about besides Rose Quartz (everyone knows about the love stone), attracts love whether it be romantic or platonic or even self love, works well with the heart chakra. Erm Citrine is great for abundance; money, love, health, abundance in all forms. Merlinte is a pretty dark stone from what I remember, like daaaaaark but I thought it looked cute and it looked like there was a void inside so I was drawn to it lmao.
That's really cool that you know and remember all of this. I knew a lot of this and then forgot the rest. LMAO! I must have a lot of things wrong with my hormones because my moonstones and selenite don't do jack for my menstrual cycle. Lol. I must be all sort' of fucked up when it comes to that. Lol. It runs in my family though, so that could be apart of it. I really like your idea with the selenite above your door. I carry some of mine around with me and my main selenite is the one that I cradle in my hands against my chest when I'm having a dark spell with my depression. So it's deffanitlly a calming stone.
I get anxious touching selenite because I was told it can dissolve in liquids, which is why I like to keep it above my door. I guess it also depends on how it is, because you can get the smooth ones or the more rough raw ones. Mines a mini wand that’s raw.
Not gonna lie, these are the ones that mean the most to me but even I needed to grab my book to make sure, I was right, before I pressed send lmao!!!
I have a couple of books that I like to read about the stones so I can figure out how I can utilise them whether it be meditation or new/full moons or even day to day use. I usually stick a crystal in my bra but it’s summer now so it’s a lil hot for that :)
I’ve never tried Selenite or Moonstone for periods since I was on birth control for quite some time but now that I haven’t taken it in a few months I should put it to the test and see if it helps my cycle cus shits a little chaotic right now lmao. It’s quite interesting that it runs in the family, as weird as this may sound but that’s really cool!
When you said depression, I flipped through one of the books and it said that egg shaped crystals are supposed to be good for anxiety and emotional blockages because you can kinda use them like a stress ball. Also yoni eggs, never used one but they are supposed to be cool.
1.) What are some of your favorite stones?
Some of mine are:
Purple Sapphire
Purple Labradorite
Rainbow Moonstone
Red Jasper
Ruby Fuchsite
2.) Why are they apart of your favorite's?
Purple Sapphire- Sapphire is my birth stone and purple is my favorite color. To add to it, it helps with my insomnia.
Purple Labradorite- Labradorite is one of my favorite stones for two reasons, it's beauty and because it's power. And of coarse, it's color purple.
Selenite-It connects me even more so to the moon and to Goddess Selene. It helps me calm down when I'm having a dark spell with my depression.
Rainbow Moonstone-Another one that connects me to the moon. It's beauty draws me in.
Fluorite-It's a strong dream stone. It helps with good dreams.
Celestite-Connects me to the spirit realm and helps me with my angel energy and connects me to my guardians.
Red Jasper-I seem to be very attracted to this stone as of the moment. It's powers and properties are all things that I need help with. It calms me down and helps me skip stress all together.
Ruby Fuchsite-I'm connected to this stone as well, but I'm not entirely sure as to why, I'm just drawn to it.