I think people are quite disturbed with the killing in the beginning of the series. But fo...

percyjackson July 9, 2019 2:22 pm

I think people are quite disturbed with the killing in the beginning of the series. But for me who watched many period dramas (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) it is seen kind of a normal thing for nobleman or kings. Although in this context, I am not denying that he killed a life for no purpose, which kinda show he is a little deranged. But in series like empress ki and whatnot, the King and nobleman do execute people to reach their agenda.

    BBhomemaker July 9, 2019 9:42 pm

    He didn't kill the messenger for no reason! He literally said, to his victim" I hope the painter doesn't mind blood". It was to let painter-cutie know psycho-hotie means business and wouldn't hesitate to kill. TACTICS

    percyjackson July 10, 2019 6:12 pm

    Hahaha painter cutie psycho hotie....catchy

    BBhomemaker July 11, 2019 2:27 am
    Hahaha painter cutie psycho hotie....catchy percyjackson

    Yea, that's my hidden talent! LOL