I'm not usually one to comment of these but the fact that there's so many arguments over o...

lekha July 7, 2019 7:20 pm

I'm not usually one to comment of these but the fact that there's so many arguments over one(1) chapter portraying the everyday reality for women is disgusting. This is how it is for women and girls everywhere. No matter how young you are, no matter how you dress, no matter where you are, this is the reality. Ask the women in your life if they've every been sexually assaulted and most of them will say yes. And it's usually when you're a child. The fact that men were never even mentioned in this chapter but people still assume this is about hating men speaks for itself. This is why I'm a feminist. Because not only are women everywhere sexually assaulted, we're silenced we're blamed for it. And we're criticised and insulted when we speak out it.

    trinityanne July 12, 2019 2:32 pm

    as the father of more than a few daughters and the oldest sibling to 4 sisters as well as no joke well over 100 female cousins i agree and honestly laws need to be changed so that women of all ages can finally get real justice out of assaults . however i also believe that personal protection is also a huge factor as well and i have gone out of my way to make sure that all of the young women in my life have all gone through several different methods of self defense training ranging from the use of different non lethal forms of defense as well as lethal force as well and to me at the end of the day MEN in general need to be bitch slapped back into their places because really at the end of the day WOMEN are the far stronger sex between men and women i mean come on for fucks sake women go through periods monthly have to in this day and age endure being assaulted daily and on top of all of that women are also horrible to each other which makes matters worse and last but not least why WOMEN are stronger than men it is simple really men if we could give birth never would period because even if our equipment was able to give birth NO man ever would because it is far to painful ... ps i have some experience with the raw strength that ALL women really have due to my ex literally breaking 3 bones in the back of my hand the day our now 22 year old daughter was born