My theory

shiro aya July 6, 2019 8:03 am

I havent read raws but after ch.3 here is my theory-

Maybe after the goat fell (as we saw at the flashback when he jumped off of the tree) and a lot of blood was lost, he somehow got the wolf's blood mixed with his own, and so he is still a goat but got the "perks" of a wolf as well...

And maybe because of it he is drawn to the wolf (heat) and as long as he is near him he was to unite with him....

Because they were close when they were little, and then parted - so maybe he (the goat) parted ways unwantingly so he won't hurt his best friend who saved him?

Just my theory :) what do you think?

    Sapphireblue July 8, 2019 3:06 am

    I think he is mixed breed...yagi is the mixed breed right from start and that's why there was gap between them during growing up or okami might have bitten him when they were younger and triggered something....
    Yagi liked okami even before arriving on earth and maybe yagi is responsible for traveling together..
    I just hope that school medical staff isn't government experiment or worse a secret research... Too anxious to know how they will fare (=・ω・=)

    T-Chan lol July 19, 2019 9:44 am

    The goat’s dad is a wolf he was always mixed blood but his first heat triggered him into showing wolf characteristics