
Potato July 3, 2019 8:22 am

I know nobody cares but I bit the inside of my lip and now it hurts really bad it’s really red around we’re the skin? (Is that what the inside lip thing is called or is it skin at all I don’t remember) Is supposed to be and looks weird

    digbickenergy July 3, 2019 9:32 am

    i aint no expert but ive bitten my cheeks a buncha times. it probably got infected so just swish some warm salt water after brushing your teeth every night until it heals (key point: dont rinse your mouth after swishing)

    yakuzahottie July 3, 2019 11:04 am

    happens to me sometimes, not a big deal. as above comment said, use salt water after brushing teeth but son't rinse with water afterwards (I actually do it several times a day). make sure you don't bite it or eat really hard foods to not make it worse. Should heal in a few days. hope you feel better xx