ch. 99 oh my

salvx July 3, 2019 5:04 am

I’m sad that we didn’t actually get to SEE Edric feeding from Sungryul because that would have good especially given that, for once, he’s just as bitten up as Minhoon or Gunchan, which is honestly amazing because Edric is usually well-behaved (trained) enough to keep it in one area. I /really/ would have liked to see how it happened between them, especially with Edric being injured and all...Sungryul probably?? Did most of the work?? ( ° ʖ °) but if they didn’t really do anything and Edric just fed, and they had a Big Emotional Moment that’s be fine with me too

Regardless though, these two continue to have some of the best, sweetest, most tender heart-to-heart conversations out of the three couples in this webtoon, like seriously?? Sungryul talking about how miserable he was for all these years because of their circumstances and his guilt at seeing everything Edric has to do and go through because of him, and everything happening around them that’s at least partially because of him, and /god/ that flashback. That brief flashback was everything!!! Edrics expression and Sungryul shaking as he reaches up to cup his mans face even though he’s covered in blood...that’s love right there. And then, the shift in tone as Sungryul starts talking about how he really thinks things are going to get better and how he really sees hope for them now and how, this time for sure he wants to be successful.

And!!! Their plans for the future!!! Edric asking Sungryul what he wants to do for the future, and Sungryul telling him he wants to run away with him and go somewhere where no one can find them and no one knows them...again, that’s love!!! And lmao Sungryul returning that question and Edric just being “I’ve never thought about” and Sungryul just “Well then we’ll think about it together from now on. We have a lot of time from now on.” Like need I say it? That right there, that’s love.

    LiiQ July 3, 2019 3:53 pm

    thank you for translating the convo between them ^^ really appreciate it

    Lexi<3 July 16, 2019 9:59 pm

    So what exactly happened to Edric? Who beat him up? & why?

    Mini July 22, 2019 10:43 pm

    There's so much unspoken longing, love and trust between them. I read this comic for them. It's really sad that they don't get too much focus because they are so interesting to me. More than the main couple dramas tbh.