Joowon fans: Taku and Haesoo have just met and started spending time together. Argument...

Anonymous July 3, 2019 1:49 am

Joowon fans:
Taku and Haesoo have just met and started spending time together.
Argument against Taku: He is not in love with Haesoo.
I don't know what is more ridiculous in this argument. The fact that they expect Taku to be dropping on his knees and proposing marriage to Haesoo or the embarrassing fact that Taku, who is not even in love with Haesoo yet treats him WAY BETTER and give him way more affection than the ONE supposedly in love with Haesoo ( for 9 fucking years).

Also Joowon fans:
Taku is obsessed with Haesoo. How dare the single guy flirt and get interested in Haesoo ( but at the same time hold back his feelings out of respect for Haesoo) and go after someone who picks his interest.
On a side note, Joowon pursues, controls, stalks, spies and dominates Haesoo as if his step brother were his property.. and Taku is the one obsessed??? You are fricking kidding me, lol.

The double standard and dishonesty regarding Taku and Joowon is amazing!!!
Taku can't be a single guy pursuing RESPECTFULLY and normally Haesoo that he is shady, manipulative, liar or obsessed ( or any other grade of trash they throw at him).
Joowon? Poor baby he is just a misunderstood guy who can't even do the basic decent thing of listen Haesoo when he says no. He treats Haesoo as shit but he is the one 'In LOVE' ... oh, please, give me break. Ship whatever you like but please, be honest and fair, people.

Bring down a character just because your favorite can't stand up on his own feet it just too obvious. Bottom line: Taku is showing respect and giving Haesoo what he wants. Trash as much as you want but it's the author writing the scenes and making the comparisons so just deal with it.

THANK GOD the author didn't put Taku saying that he is in love with Haesoo the second night they are together because that would be weird as fuck.!

Joowon had 9 years to move his ass and now he will do only because he will be forced too.... what a catch!

    me! July 3, 2019 2:28 am


    Anonymous July 3, 2019 9:30 am

    1.just met? Haesoo and Taku met each other in chap 3 or 4
    2.people do have their own brain damages, preferences, dream bubbles, reality issues, moral understanding, goals, rules, lines and limits. What I believe it isnt good dont really be the same for some other. Haesoo anf J are sick people and I believe there is more to it why they are how they are. They destroyed each other, they destroyed a family.
    And to all those hardcore fans, the biggest insults came from the taku fans, calling the joowon lovers kids, stupid, inexperienced and some other heavy words I dont want to repeat. Its just a story. Become better people. Blame the parents or the sun

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 10:31 am
    1.just met? Haesoo and Taku met each other in chap 3 or 42.people do have their own brain damages, preferences, dream bubbles, reality issues, moral understanding, goals, rules, lines and limits. What I believe... @Anonymous

    1.Yes. They just met. Are you aware that the chapter has little to do with the timeline in the story, right? Just because WE meet Taku in chap 3 or 4, in the story Haesoo and Taku only met a few times and the timeline is about weeks. Are you that dense?
    2.Yes, people do have their preferences and I am not talking about that... I am talking about being more fair and honest even if you are biased towards a ship or not. If you ship an unpopular or abusive ship and there isn't much you can praise about, deal with it. Instead what a lot of Joowon fans do is to made up things or have a big double standard to make their favorite not look so bad. If you do that, expect to be called off. What did I say that is not true? Taku and Haesoo are just starting their relationship, there is no expectation that Taku should fall in love at first sight to be worthy of pursuing a relationship with Haesoo. And the biggest problem of complaining that Taku is not in love with Haesoo is the evident contrast that even if that is the case, he is the one treating Haesoo with affection and respect as opposed to the guy who supposedly 'loves' him.
    And look who is talking about hardcore fans... If there is one faction in this fandom who bought themselves the fame about being assholes is the Joowon fans because many of you are demented and jerks enough to go harass the author on her official account, pressuring her to change the story and leave passive aggressive messages complaining about Jooowon's portrait. The nerve of you crying out about 'Taku fans' and what do you whine about? people calling you kid? inexperienced? Oh my fucking God, just grow up.
    Don't make this so personal, you are right, be better, blame the parents or the sun but don't go shipping an unpopular, abusive character and expect people don't comment on it just so you don't get offended for your fictional character as if 'he' were a real person. This ridiculous thing that the biggest insults com from Taku fans ... says who? the anon who could write anything that she thinks validates her view? gimme a break.
    Yes, be better. I posted something that I found unfair and called off a double standard, that's all. I didn't offend anyone, I didn't do anything that isn't usual banter between rival ships and that hasn't been done by Joowon fans too. If you take this so personal that you get offended enough to whine about horrible Taku fans being meanie to you, please grow up... we are discussing fictional character in here, don't take this so personal. Don't blame the sun or anybody else... if you can't see that both sides troll each other and this should not be taken so personal, the problem is not parents, sun or stars... it's just you.

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 10:44 am
    1.Yes. They just met. Are you aware that the chapter has little to do with the timeline in the story, right? Just because WE meet Taku in chap 3 or 4, in the story Haesoo and Taku only met a few times and the t... @Anonymous

    Stop insulting me. I never disagreed with your post. I just add something to it, nothing more.
    I dont understand why i am now treated this unfair.
    Im not even a j shipper stop being an ass here

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 11:43 am
    Stop insulting me. I never disagreed with your post. I just add something to it, nothing more.I dont understand why i am now treated this unfair. Im not even a j shipper stop being an ass here @Anonymous

    Girl, you jumped on my post getting off topic and whining about stuff that I didn't do, 'adding something' that was not to the point, going on a tangent and now you keep crying victim of something... wtf?
    And who do you think you are fooling? The biased judgement on 'Taku fans' is so obvious, the whining so typical of Joowon anon fans around here..
    Yes, please thanks for your 'addition' but as you said, I am treating so unfairly... so you better find someone better to talk to. Goodbye!

    fixxle July 3, 2019 1:03 pm

    i felt this post! hahaha

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 1:10 pm
    Girl, you jumped on my post getting off topic and whining about stuff that I didn't do, 'adding something' that was not to the point, going on a tangent and now you keep crying victim of something... wtf? And ... @Anonymous

    What? You jumped on me calling me dense. Assuming I am a girl. You willingly misunderstood my comment and you're jumping into conclusions! My faults are that I do have an limit in expressing my thoughts in english and that I wrote a comment here.
    You critisize people but you are yourself someone with double standards. Stop insulting me!! Stop your assumption what i meant with my comment!! I still dont disagree with your first comment but i am not allright with you. Feeling better now after insulting me?! And spare me an answer, i wont read it anymore. Im finished here

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 1:57 pm

    Just returned to say hello I see you just can't stop q.q

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 1:59 pm
    What? You jumped on me calling me dense. Assuming I am a girl. You willingly misunderstood my comment and you're jumping into conclusions! My faults are that I do have an limit in expressing my thoughts in engl... @Anonymous

    Dude, I don't care if you are a girl or guy... you are an anon whining on my post over and over again crying yourself victim of your perceived offenses. You could be an alien for all I care for, it's not like anything any of us say can be proved either way.
    And again, do yourself a favor and get the hell out of my post, finished or not, you shouldn't even got started in here if you point was only whine about your booboos with 'Taku fans' who are meanie to you.
    Bye, Felicia!!!!

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 2:01 pm
    Just returned to say hello I see you just can't stop q.q @Anonymous

    Butt hurt anon, so was that you? Here kitty, kitty .... you always doing the 'Simon says' thing like a little toddler. Everybody here knows you are the lady of the last word, Velu.
    Have the floor butthurt, you know you wanna it. LOL.

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 2:24 pm
    Butt hurt anon, so was that you? Here kitty, kitty .... you always doing the 'Simon says' thing like a little toddler. Everybody here knows you are the lady of the last word, Velu. Have the floor butthurt, you ... @Anonymous

    No just returned after week to see what changed. But nothing literally changed, you never disappoint me XDDD

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 2:25 pm
    Butt hurt anon, so was that you? Here kitty, kitty .... you always doing the 'Simon says' thing like a little toddler. Everybody here knows you are the lady of the last word, Velu. Have the floor butthurt, you ... @Anonymous

    And still picking on people who have different opinion than you, sweet (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Anonymous July 3, 2019 3:21 pm
    And still picking on people who have different opinion than you, sweet (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ @Anonymous

    stalker troll strikes again (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ