can someone kill this bastard yuri already??????? his just so annoying btw can we appr...

naso July 2, 2019 3:56 pm

can someone kill this bastard yuri already??????? his just so annoying

btw can we appreciate sensei's writting??? i mean how often can a fictional charecter be so annoying for readers to actually feel it even through their bones

    AngelBee July 2, 2019 4:13 pm

    I know right, i mean how many bullets can this bastard take before he's officially pronounced dead.

    Mac July 2, 2019 4:28 pm
    I know right, i mean how many bullets can this bastard take before he's officially pronounced dead. AngelBee

    I wanna know why no one has shot him in the head

    naso July 2, 2019 4:53 pm
    I know right, i mean how many bullets can this bastard take before he's officially pronounced dead. AngelBee

    although....i would love it if it's akihito who kills him ^___^ but really just kill him already

    naso July 2, 2019 4:53 pm
    I wanna know why no one has shot him in the head Mac

    good point

    Yoh July 2, 2019 5:32 pm

    Righttt! Some do a human centipede on him connected to his little bitched followers lmao!

    naso July 3, 2019 5:19 am
    Righttt! Some do a human centipede on him connected to his little bitched followers lmao! Yoh

    he has followers????????