For the fragance part, I’m pretty sure that’s Shuu’s since Ayame said it himself that he should have realize it sooner. And Ayame seems to be the type of Alpha that doesn’t affect much by the Omega’s pheromones (he said so himself when Shuu’s had his first heat in highschool, and even Kaide mentioned sth like that when they talked together back when Shuu was drunken). So I think part of the reasons why he insists that he doesn’t believe in fated pair is because he can’t feel it from Shuu before.
May be the reason why he can only feel it now has something to do with the feeling that Shuu seems to gradually realize that he bears toward Ayame. It seems they have to like each other as themselves first for the fated pair pheromones theory to come into effect, rather than choosing their partner by pure instinct:?
Well, I’m just guessing, but I want to believe it though T.T

Hi there, I didn’t think anyone would read this wall of text and even reply! Thank you (▰˘◡˘▰)
Your theory sounds truly interesting and I like the consensual part of it; it seems more humane than the normal “fated pair” theory in most omegaverse. It’s like they are slowly coming to realise their feelings for each other, each in their own way, taking time to be sure of it instead of just jumping into the pairing thing.

Hello, I must be the one to thank you for reading that train of thoughts of mine, though it’s really messy now that I re-read it, considering I’m a bit sleepy when I wrote it earlier T.T
I can’t understand the raw one bit, so I don’t know what actually did happen, but I just think of that theory because Ayame seems to be unaffected by the pheromone at first (even Shuu’s) but from chapter 4 onward he’s so concious of it. And just as you say, I always think the fated pair in most of ABO manga makes love seems so shallow, so I would like to believe in a theory where they can gradually build up their relationship through real interaction and empathizing with each other:)
The first time I read this manga, I was a bit lost on the story telling - it was kinda hard to follow at times, and the emotions and actions from MCs contradict a lot. I thought it was simply bad plot. However, thanks to Ayame's sexiness (lmao) i keep going back for reread, then more reread when I found the raw, and today suddenly everything faals into place. It clicked. There are important hints about the nature of their relationship that I wish author had talked about more clearly, instead of subtly hinted (and sometimes it's hard to tell from the art. This is a long post and I apologize in advance.
1. Shuu didn't hate Ayame one bit
This manga sorts of draw them as a hater-become-lover thing; however, here http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hanagara_tsumi/mdx/d_v-1-chapter-1/20/ Shuu's POV is very clear about how he thinks of Ayame. "He disappeared from my life, and there was nothing to fill his place." He thought he was bullied because Ayame teased him and violated his personal space a lot - he was clearly annoyed around Ayame, but once that person are gone, his life became so boring and empty. I found it puzzling during my first read, because all the major flashbacks seem to show an annoying but kind and considerate Ayame, who encouraged and supported Shuu when he was down. I believe this kindness drew him in, and Shuu must have been so lonely being left behind he turned that loneliness into resentment and chose to believe that his life becomes hellish because of Ayame's (disappearance, not bullying, but Shuu simply fuses them together).
2. Shuu was aware of his attraction to Ayama all along
Here comes the bit that I wish I hadn't missed - the jacket. This very jacket http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hanagara_tsumi/mdx/d_v-1-chapter-1/19/ that Ayama left to Shuu after his graduation. The only proof that he had ever been in his life. Obviously Shuu kept that jacket with him even after graduating university and moving to the city ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hanagara_tsumi/mdx/d_v-1-chapter-1/24/). This monologue in chapter 4 ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hanagara_tsumi/mdx/d_v-1-chapter-4/10/) reveals that he was bothered by why he has been holding onto Ayame's jacket, and came to term with the understanding that he must be attracted to Ayame as an omega to an alpha. After talking to Kaede-senpai about fated pair, he suspected that they are a fated pair ("the 'fated pair' Kaede-senpai talked about... I think I know what that is" http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hanagara_tsumi/mdx/d_v-1-chapter-2/34/) and tested with Ayame's clothing the time he stayed over in chapter 2 ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hanagara_tsumi/mdx/d_v-1-chapter-2/35/). This part BLEW MY MIND when I finally figured it out (lol), during my first read I didn't recognize the jacket story and therefore was like "he must be in heat that's why he looks horny, but that is such a weirdly minor detail that I don't understand why author was so focus on it". Long story short, Shuu became excited by the pheromones left on Ayame's clothes, theory confirmed. When he talked to Ayame about this topic (testing the water, I guess), Ayame clearly showed his annoyance so Shuu didn't pursue it any further.
3. Ayame is such a kind, loving soul ╥﹏╥
I don't think I need to elaborate on this. He was curt and blunt, that's why he was perceived as a "bad guy"; but he picked up and befriended a gloomy kid; he ate and talked with him, praised and encouraged him to realize his own merits. What he did to Shuu was wonderful, albeit a bit forcefully and could have been done more nicely. Ayame has never looked down on Shuu for being an omega even though he dislikes the pheromone thing for its terrifying nature (hell, if it were me, the thought that my action can be sabotaged by a nature force that I have no control over would be scary as f**k). So far all of their times together have been consensual, and when Ayame has the heat he tries his best to protect the other one. What a courteous act. He's so respectful, loving and gentle to Shuu.
4. The fragrance talk at the shrine in chapter 4
I am still figuring this; do you think the scent Ayame picked up is Shuu's? Or they were just innocently commenting on local trees?
until chapter 5 for the real progress we are waiting for (๑•ㅂ•)و✧