If Memeko and Ryou end up together i'm gonna be really disapointed

KiyoSama July 1, 2019 3:02 pm

If Memeko and Ryou end up together i'm gonna be really disapointed

    eiei July 24, 2019 4:10 am


    asami78 July 25, 2019 6:17 pm


    KiyoSama July 26, 2019 2:57 am
    Why? eiei

    because he's trans... even if he said that he loves her he still wanted to kiss Meme's boss... maybe he loves her in the same way someone loves their friends or idk...

    I just feel like both of them deserve better.

    Print July 29, 2019 2:25 am
    because he's trans... even if he said that he loves her he still wanted to kiss Meme's boss... maybe he loves her in the same way someone loves their friends or idk...I just feel like both of them deserve bette... KiyoSama

    ??? I though he was gay.. not trans...???

    KiyoSama July 29, 2019 4:46 am
    ??? I though he was gay.. not trans...??? Print

    I'm not sure if I should explain the difference between sexuality and gender identity or just point out that Ryou thinks of himself as a woman, he likes being feminine, dresses in his sister's clothes whenever he can and was jealous of Sawako for being able to give birth.

    that is trans, He's a woman in a man's body.

    That is why Meme said that she didn't care if Ryou was a woman or a man, she was in love.

    Print July 29, 2019 7:39 am
    I'm not sure if I should explain the difference between sexuality and gender identity or just point out that Ryou thinks of himself as a woman, he likes being feminine, dresses in his sister's clothes whenever ... KiyoSama

    uh... I don't think so bud. I understand the difference between sexuality, gender and sex but Ryou isn't trans, he's just gay. Stereotypically gay, maybe, but he's just gay. I mean, being feminine doesn't equate to being trans... And he's jealous of Sawako cause she married his crush easily while Ryou has to deal with the fact that no matter how hard he tries, Kishida will never love him. Memeko says that she doesn't care because she's just grateful that Ryou tried to love her and couldn't, which still gave closure. Also in Chp 62, Sawako mentions that Ryou doesn't have a choice, unlike Kishida who can just settle with someone who likes him and slowly learn to love, Ryou can't just fall in love with Memeko. I'm all about trans representation like in Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku but I just think that for Ryou, this isn't the case.

    Tbh, this is probably way too much of an overreaction of a comment, but it's just cause Ryou sorta reminds me of myself, cause being gay means that a lotta times you're going to fall in love with straight people and there's literally nothing you can do. It sucks so much, especially cause a lot of times there's no rejection, no closure and you just have to keep it inside until you eventually forget it....

    KiyoSama July 29, 2019 10:41 pm

    Yeah, I see that now, I miss interpreted Ryou because he said that he's a woman.
    I thought that he identifies as female and therefore he's trans.
    also thought that he was over Kishida.

    but now that I read the updates I see that that wasn't the case.

    this manga is a little bit too complicated... and I like it, Life if a bit like that (as you say, not being able to have closure, or not marring the person you fell in love with) but it also goes a bit too far, is almost like a soap opera.

    I don't know... I still think that it's sad to marry someone because they love you. Maybe because Japanese people are used to arranging marriages and it's part of their culture. that this... settling for someone that loves you and learn to love them back thing is... ok? to me is just sad.

    They all need therapy. no body should marry a person while loving someone else.