I could see the ending being Dohyun visiting Sungho in prison, and them sort of coming to an understanding that they can see where things go from this point, and the audience kind of gets to decide whether or not Dohyun uses this as a way to create a permanent break, or if he and Sungho end up together in the end.

Imo I can picture that jail visiting hours - the duo face to face converse via phone with a glass standing btw them. one of many satisfying ways to end without the tragic death of either one of protagonists or both.
Perhaps an open ending for readers to decide on their own, whether the duo parted or ended up together happily ever after at seoul.. (but still i would argue the latter, it's my dream that this story should have been a story of redemption instead of tragedy as anticipated)
I wish that dohyun will forgive sungho, but it doesnt mean that sungho shall get away from any punishment for kidnapping and raping dohyun.
After reading the raws, i got intuition that sungho has recovered and told the police it was his suicide attempt prior to that phone call to police station that freeing dohyun from sungho's murder charge.
From scale 1 - 10, i rated 6 that dohyun will rush to the hospital to check on sungho. Although i must admit that hes probably not in the right mind, i mean who will ever run back to the captor when the victim has the chance to flee? But that is indeed what i want dohyun to do, to face the unresolved issues and seeking closure instead of running away like last time.
That's being said, even if dohyun is able to forgive sungho, i hope that sungho will clear his conscience as well by turning himself in to the police, imo this is the only way to prove that how serious he is about his penance for what he has done to dohyun.
But i also hope that in the end, dohyun will forgive sungho and promise to wait for him till the day he got out from jail. And starting over by living together in seoul as what they always dreamt of.