the world isn't America.

Mima desu July 1, 2019 12:54 pm

Being a woman isn't a privilege. It's limiting and scary, you get exploited, you get used, misunderstood, silenced. You get shut down, conditioned to look a certain way. You get sold to men, you get forced to get married at a very young age, you are exposed to violence and there are so many expectations. You're a whore, a slut, a bitch if you dare to live your life the way you want and enjoy sex. You're a people pleaser, a naive idiot if you like actively caring about others. You're way too sensitive if you talk about your feelings, you're overreacting, you're spoiled and an attention seeker. You feel fear, you think twice about everything you decide to wear, about any place you want to go out to, every alley you decide to walk through. You have to learn how to fight alone, you lose trust in other people. It's especially worse if you're a part of the LGBTQ+ community.
You get paid less but you do more.
It's not a privilege. It's suffocating.
And for every woman out there that is still on her feet, fighting, speaking up, not letting the world silence her, for every victim and every survivor - you're my hero, my inspiration and my motivation. Because of you, I didn't give up. Because of you who fought for my rights, I'm here standing, protecting other women. Thank you.

    crack dad July 1, 2019 1:24 pm

    Thank you for your words. They’re truly uplifting. I hope that you can find peace as well. Stay strong, I know you are.

    Mima desu July 1, 2019 1:33 pm
    Thank you for your words. They’re truly uplifting. I hope that you can find peace as well. Stay strong, I know you are. crack dad

    Thank YOU for this act of kindness.