Giorgiaa June 29, 2019 1:12 pm

XiaoYi and Djun where @ all the ppl who calls themselves "fujoshi/fundashi". I hope you all learned something bc it's about time you all realize how wrong and disgusting fetishizing same sex realtionship is. It's so nice to see such a real representation of what it means to be gay and embark into a relationship. So pls pls read what xiaoyi said and learn for it. Don't fetishise gay people. Even if they are fictional. It's wrong. They are not there for your enjoyment. Or for you to ship them and call them "your babies" and stuff like that. Be better. Be happy for them bc they deserve happiness. Like xiaoyi said, there's a difference between wanting their happiness and wanting to see them together for yourself.
And to all the people that kept being frustrated bc the story wasn't progressing and they aren't together yet? I am sorry have you ever "dated"? like how many people you talked to but never hooked up with? How many people you almost dated but never did for a thousand different reasons? How many people are a "what if"? Bc I'm sure as hell I have a lot of experiences like that. Where bc of a word said the wrong way, or due to being the wrong time, or just one of the two parts being insecure nothing actually happened. So yeah, this story is actually one of the few realistic ones I've ever read bc life it's not all roses and flowers all the time. And again. Xiaoyi ending toxic behavior is my new hero.

    SinA June 29, 2019 1:46 pm

    And in the end this is still a story and just like how (most) people don’t act out/project the things they see in beloved pornography or psycho thrillers onto real life (thank god) boys love comics are not exactly meant to be transferred to reality either. I mean shoujo love storys also never will be real(sorry) and still millions love reading it.

    So as long as one doesn‘t believe that‘s a formular for how love actually works for ANYONE out there, fetishizing about those certain stories should still be fine. Shipping real people is an entirely different story though.

    Or so I believe, didn‘t mean to write an essay^^

    Anonymous June 29, 2019 2:09 pm
    And in the end this is still a story and just like how (most) people don’t act out/project the things they see in beloved pornography or psycho thrillers onto real life (thank god) boys love comics are not ex... SinA

    Agreed, no harm in fantasize with whatever you want in ficcion, LGTB+ or whatever.

    Giorgiaa June 29, 2019 2:43 pm

    It's a thin line. The idea of "it's fiction so it's okay" it's inheritly wrong. That way you can condone rape, pedophilia and stuff like that because of "fiction". Yes it's not real bit it's still plenty wrong. From fiction to reality it's nothing. Take for examples tv shows and actors. I see so many people shipping characters together (completely fine as long as appropriate) and then also transferring the ship onto the actors. And that's behavior is so wrong. So many actors from different shows/movies have said that it makes them uncomfortable and has even ruined their relationship. And i can only imagine. This shit is toxic af. And this is for both same sex and straight ship.

    But again, with gay people there's a level more. Because gay people are not there for the enjoyment of straight girls. If you are a girl and only read stuff with gay characters you have a problem. You need to step back a bit and do some self evaluation. I'm not trying to accuse anyone, or be rude, because I was someone who did that when i was young too. So I've been there. And that's why I'm trying to say that's wrong. "X and y have a lot of chemistry and feelings for each other so should date" is very different from saying "x and y both have dicks so they should be together bc i love boys together they are so cute omg" .

    There's arm in fantasizing about lgbtq people. Even when in fiction. Because you are unconsciously legitimatizing your thoughts.
    Lgbtq people go through A LOT. and this entire behavior does nothing positive for a community that still faces discrimination on the daily. If you really care about lgbtq+ people you wouldnt be say that's okay to fantasize about them

    Giorgiaa June 29, 2019 5:05 pm
    And in the end this is still a story and just like how (most) people don’t act out/project the things they see in beloved pornography or psycho thrillers onto real life (thank god) boys love comics are not ex... SinA

    I can't really agree. I ended up writing an essay too in the comment below. Fetishising is wrong bc you'll end up doing exactly what the girl (I don't remember her name now) did. She was a fan of BL and ended up projecting her fantasies onto LiHuan and YangYang. Which is her real life. I explained more in the comment below but I stand by what i said. It's wrong and not fine at all.