DJun never disappoints me.

Lucky_TheLoneWolf June 29, 2019 9:03 am

The way how DJun explained the seriousness of homophobia and how it affects homosexuals, through our little XiaoYi, is splendid. Wangwang's character reminds me of Jane Austen's Emma. Emma too, loved matchmaking, but eventually ended up causing issues between other people. XiaoYi is like Mr. Knightley to Wangwang's Emma. DJun doesn't try to justify what girls like Wangwang do when they try to push two guys to be together, but neither does he (or she) attempts to blame them since they do it out of their good hearts. As XiaoYi said, it is a matter of such girls giving priority either to their happiness, or to the happiness of the said two guys. I personally prefer giving the guys their space to come out on their own terms. I'm glad Wangwang recognized her mistake. So she needn't to be blamed anymore. And Lihuan, my loving sweet baby. I love how attentive he is towards Yuyang's feelings. I'm relieved that the issue wouldn't be dragged unnecessarily due to silly misunderstandings. The glasses friend did help as always. Suppose it is time for him to focus on the awkward-cute-musician guy now. Such a lovely update! Thank you so much Cappy! <3
