Whoever you are, BLESS YOU for updating this!

Lucky_TheLoneWolf June 28, 2019 7:01 pm

A million and more 'thank you's to you!
In future, if some ungrateful brat starts bugging you to update faster or criticize your techniques or such, please do not care. Our love for you is much more greater! : )
And Taehan is such a darling. His anger and shock are very much expected. He just cannot resist Doyun, no matter how harsh the latter acts towards him. I hear the bells of true love there.
Also, the doctor and Doyun's brother. They do look cute! I'm starting to assume that both Doyun and his brother are the tsundere kind, regardless of them being omega/alpha. Interesting! Both their potential partners have understanding and collected personalities which complement the characters of these tsundere brothers.

    Roseness June 28, 2019 7:10 pm

    So true!! they match really well (=・ω・=)