
It's possible. I also have nephews and nieces that have itchy hands and just took whatever fancies them. Their family was also the type to ignore these things and act like "it is in their house so probably it's theirs" so what we do is ask the kids or the parents to return the toys since *drop a family member's name* will really get angry. It's quite effective.
I have a situation, my stuff toys(this is really important) from when I was young are missing. I was suspecting that it was my 2 nephews who stole while I was not at home( I live in a compound and we don't lock doors since my neighbors are my relatives). Their grandfather haven't said anything about them bringing some toys (I'm pretty much sure that they didn't know this ). I was thinking that maybe they stole it and then sold it [please no] to someone. Is it really possible that they stole it? I mean I trust them, but if they did stole I would be very angry and I won't talk to them anymore.