Read the manga!!!!

Noches June 27, 2019 9:14 pm

"He is a slut", he has slept with 2 girls not 20 not 200
"He forgetting about Rui" so you want him to live his life thinking about an ex who broke up with him? Stupid
But I can't deny that the drug girl was a useless arc and I had a feeling since he broke up with Hina that he wasn't going to last with Rui without him giving up on writing...

    kumbanj June 27, 2019 11:38 pm

    Yes, the drug-arc was useless and honestly really boring. But on the other hand, the comparison is nice: Natsuo was so destroyed by Rui leaving him, that he got into a dangerous situation like that. Rui on the other hand was shown to live her life happily in the USA.
    And people call him a slut...

    Anonymous July 2, 2019 9:37 pm

    The number of Times you have had sex or number of people you've had sex with doesn't connect to you being a slut. Being a slut is connected to your personality and how faithful you are to your partner or how much you flirt with other people. Spout all you want about how much you love someone but if your feelings waver over one thing or person that shows that love wasn't really anything special or strong and you just gotta face facts you're a fickle person with fickle feelings. That's who natsuo is a fickle person. He's constantly approached by women who shamelessly flirt with him and he continues to hang around them without taking into account to anyone else's feelings. Example serizawa knew very well that natsuo had a girlfriend yet she still planned to seduce him, that's a slut move. Natsuo also knew of serizawa's feelings for him yet continued to hang around her ignoring that maybe him being close to her would only make her feelings grow stronger and ignoring that his gf wouldn't like seeing him get close to girl that was already planning to steal him away. Natsuo is honestly a selfish prick and it's no surprise rui dumped him

    Kira July 6, 2019 10:56 pm
    The number of Times you have had sex or number of people you've had sex with doesn't connect to you being a slut. Being a slut is connected to your personality and how faithful you are to your partner or how m... @Anonymous

    While I get what you're saying. Run dumped him for entirely different reason. Everyone loves differently and is portray as such just cause events happen with the girls he encounter does put him on the spot but like everyone else trying to figure his own life out right now that's the whole purpose of this manga. He'll get better and learn from mistakes same as the girls too.

    Kira July 6, 2019 10:58 pm
    While I get what you're saying. Run dumped him for entirely different reason. Everyone loves differently and is portray as such just cause events happen with the girls he encounter does put him on the spot but... Kira

    Rui **

    kumbanj July 7, 2019 3:58 am
    The number of Times you have had sex or number of people you've had sex with doesn't connect to you being a slut. Being a slut is connected to your personality and how faithful you are to your partner or how m... @Anonymous

    1)Yes, Natsuo is really selfish. Thats why Rui dumped him, two selfish persons don't work that well together.
    2)He does not really waver at all. Yes, there were some stupid moments (like Serizawas visit in underwear), but normally he tries to keep his distance to other girls. Also is behavior towards Rui was much more intimate and friendly in comparison to all the other girls. Basically he wanted to be friends with all of them, but there was never any real doubt who his loyality lied.

    In conclusion, honestly Natsuo isn't really that bad of a guy. Actually he is quite nice and loyal. Rui on the other hand...she lacks a lot in comparison to Hina or Serizawa.

    Kira July 7, 2019 4:07 pm
    1)Yes, Natsuo is really selfish. Thats why Rui dumped him, two selfish persons don't work that well together.2)He does not really waver at all. Yes, there were some stupid moments (like Serizawas visit in under... kumbanj

    I agree