Am I the only one seeing Hyesung’s character development?

aggravated seme June 25, 2019 3:57 pm

I feel like the comments are so unsatisfied because his personality is still the same, but you shouldn’t have to completely change for your partner regardless. Dojin loves him like that, and Hyesung has had moments where he really thought about his future or baby Byul. The Hyesung at the beginning of the story wouldn’t have done any of this. Even though he has a weird denial flex, his actions say otherwise. I’m not really sure what everyone is expecting. Some people don’t say it through words but it doesn’t mean they don’t love their partner, ya know?

And can we just appreciate the sister in a suit as well like she has such dominant energy I love it.

    lalaland June 25, 2019 5:20 pm

    Truuuueeeeeeeeeeeee OMG!!!

    kitty June 26, 2019 3:52 am

    His "denial flex" that you mentioned is because he's a tsundere