okay so like

Edward June 25, 2019 4:48 am

Does anyone else prefer clichés sometimes to a manga with an actual good plot?? Like... when I read a complex manga with an intricate plot and beautifully drawn art I’m like this is boring :/ But when I read a manga that literally has every single cliché known to man in it I’m like holy shit this is so good!!!!1!1!!1!1!!1!!!1111!

    replay~ June 25, 2019 5:42 am


    Anarri June 25, 2019 6:07 am

    Same. I love clichés

    Oh wow June 25, 2019 6:11 am


    monnom June 25, 2019 6:14 am

    Depends of what I’m in the mood for...

    K99MY June 25, 2019 6:33 am

    No. For me, clichés are boring and too predictable.
    BUT there was one time I read a webtoon whose plot was complicated af and now that I think about it I would have picked any cliché manga over this manga.
    So I think that as long as the plot isn’t overly complicated I’m fine with cliché stories

    Darling <3 June 25, 2019 7:59 am

    Hell yeah! If you read even 1 page of a cliche manga, you KNOW it's gonna be cliche. But that's part of why it's so good, it's predictable and easy to understand. If you know what's coming, you'll know if you'll like it or not. Certain tropes and plots became cliches for a reason,ya? People liked it and writers keep on writing about it. Just because it's been told a million times, doesn't mean it'll be any less good. Cliches are basically guilty pleasures, I can't help but like it. Also, about intricate mangas being boring? I relate. It's probably because most of those stories are a bit gloomy and slow. Intricate mangas are usually trying to discuss important issues/message/stories so it can't exactly throw in a dumb/funny moments in there. That's not a bad thing btw, that's just how it is. And you just might not like that, and that's fine.
    Just my thought anyway, of course what you like depends on your taste, and everyone's got a different taste,ya? Love what you love.

    Cakeyrne June 25, 2019 8:47 am

    Yeah!! I thought I was the only one XD