
I get a strong feeling of Stockholm syndrome. He was trapped with Yule for so long with little else except sex and fear that he was mentally conditioned to be dependent. With fear of injury to Dong Hyuk and the extra abuse from the older brother the poor guy was not mentally stable. He tried leaving a few times and it always backfired. Its sadly understandable why he became so passive to his own wellbeing. Guy was thoroughly traumatized.
Kinda sad there was no ending with the sister. She was probably the most stable (but still a bit off).
I hated everyone in this story! But i think i hated kyung soo the most. every chance he had to get out of a situation he didn't do anything, everytime he should have spoke up he used sex instead. not to say Yule and his family aren't a bunch of nut jobs who should all be in the psych ward, but at least they could think things through enough to know what they were doing, kyung was an idiot,and no, I don't think it's all because of his trauma. Case in point, the ending. I just don't get how he goes about making his decisions.