I just wanna see Haesoo happy, but the lying is UNECESSARY... (about Ch.40)

annehime June 22, 2019 11:51 pm

I mean, lying is fine, it creates drama and tension.. but in Haesoo's particular case..lying is POINTLESS and useless because there's nobody stopping him from having a relationship, his mom probably? But not Joowon since he doesn't love him right (well, Haesoo thinks that) and that's Haesoo's dilemma right? Then why lie? Is Joowon gonna be violent? So far, no. Haesoo's been sleeping around but Joowon is cool. Tell him or not Haesoo's experience so far is Joowon won't care. The secrecy is either a glitch from this genius author or Haesoo wanting to fish in 2 rivers... which isnt even a problem because Joowon is cool with him having BOYFRIENDSSS! He can fish in 2 rivers and Taku and Joowon (so far, I'm basing this on existing chapters) won't mind. Joowon proved in chapter 1 that Haesoo can fuck anyone he wants to. Taku has proved in the first kissing scene, He said "You can use me if you want. I PREFER IT THAT WAY" used for distraction, used to make Haesoo's bf jealous whatever, use for inspiration.. idk. But Taku wants a trade with Haesoo in the beginning

I mean to say. As of now, the story has provided no reason for Haesoo to lie to Joowon. To taku, maybe he can lie? Maybe he doesn't know about Joowon yet? But to Joowon there's no reason to.

So why lie when, even if Taku is a serious relationship for haesoo, (based from chapter 1 etc) he knows Joowon won't mind.

    BlubbDia June 22, 2019 4:30 pm

    you make such quick conclusions lmao? We don't know if Joowon loves haesoo. But we do know that Joowon thinks he's Haesoo's number 1, and Haesoo knows that too. Besides that, Haesoo is pretty much a mess, and probably doesn't know why he's lying. There are many possibilities, but I'm guessing he's trying to avoid any further conversation about what he's doing, for whatever reason.

    Taku has NOT proven to prefer 'being used'. We literally don't know the reason, unless its the deal they made: Haesoo will be Taku's muse, and in change for that he can use Taku. But it seems like they both start to develop some feelings for each other (chapter 27,28).

    It's obvious that joowon WILL mind that Haesoo is starting a serious relationship, how can you not see that? o.o like, i'm genuinely confused by your view

    annehime June 22, 2019 4:36 pm

    Thing is, you are the one making conclusions. I'm merely FOLLOWING the story.. and what the current chapters have been giving us which is 1. Joowon shows haesso he doesnt care if Haesoo fucks other guys. -So why lie that he's with his date?? 2. Taku, after seeing Haesoo's current problem or whatever it is he saw in chapter 15-- said "You can use me if you want".. I am merely stating facts. UNLIKE YOU WHO IS PREDICTING THE FUTURE and THEIR UNSAID EMOTIONS.... we, as the viewers, know what's going on. But the characters don't know these yet. FACTS. I'm saying HAESOO DOES NOT NEED TO LIE. even if he's serious with Taku, so what? He has no obligation to Joowon.

    BlubbDia June 22, 2019 5:24 pm
    Thing is, you are the one making conclusions. I'm merely FOLLOWING the story.. and what the current chapters have been giving us which is 1. Joowon shows haesso he doesnt care if Haesoo fucks other guys. -So wh... annehime

    you literally said 'joowon does not love haesoo' without proof, and even now you are not stating facts.
    yeah, joowon is aware that haesoo sleeps with other guys. but the reason why he doesn't mind, is because he thinks he's haesoo's nr. 1. But in chapter 30 we are literally shown that joowon keeps asking questions, because he notices that Haesoo is not saying the truth. He's noticing that someone is changing Haesoo, which is new to both of them. If you want to deny it, name a chapter to proof it. Speaking of 'saying the truth'. Even if Haesoo's lying is pointless, why do you question it? It's just realistic that characters do things that make no sense due to unexplainable feelings .

    Yes, Taku did say 'you can use me' lmfao why you acting like i denied it? Why I assume that its part of a deal, YOU ASSUME that he just prefers it that way even tho that was never proven either.
    Emotions are unsaid, yes, but are you not able to analyze that Haesoo was literally blushing at remembering Taku saying 'I like you' (chapter 28). Do you not see that Taku is bothered by the thought of Haesoo's first time with someone else (chapter 26/27) ? How can a person like you even enjoy a love story if you dont think about the characters feelings at all?

    Mihchan June 22, 2019 7:26 pm

    If Haesoo tells Joowon he is seeing someone Joowon will get amused and think this is Haesoo trying to get him jealous. They have been playing this game for a long time, so Joowon will assume things as they have been. Haesoo knows how he will react and does not want to be bothered with dealing with Joowon. In this situation it is easier to lie.

    I hope that makes sense! :)