Wah! it's really the end of book 1!

annehime June 22, 2019 3:53 pm

Guys! I suck at Korean... But ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FEEL BAD FOR JOOWON?? *Spoiler*

Cuz after that bed scene with the actress.. like he didn't even really legit sleep with her.. it's for work... He's like craving for Haesoo's hug? Did I understand right? He told his manager he was tired after the shoot and to got to Haesoo's house cuz he wants to sleep there and hug H.. and the manager said, you're a grown man and you need to be hugged? Was I wrong? AND WHAT THE FUDGE! TAKU IS SO HOT! I love assertive Taku!

    BlubbDia June 22, 2019 2:24 pm

    It gave me goosebumps that we saw Joowon sitting in front Haesoo's bed after H just messaged him with "Im at home, going to sleep" Like
    You did understand the part with Joowon needing to hug Haesoo in order to sleep better right tho. idk what to feel about that

    JMJK June 22, 2019 2:52 pm

    i think it's joowon who got out after he got haesoo's message.......

    kusachi June 22, 2019 2:52 pm
    It gave me goosebumps that we saw Joowon sitting in front Haesoo's bed after H just messaged him with "Im at home, going to sleep" Like You did understand the part with Joowon needing to hug Haesoo in order to ... BlubbDia

    Season 2 is gonna be chaotic. Σ(゚Д゚)

    kusachi June 22, 2019 3:06 pm
    i think it's joowon who got out after he got haesoo's message....... JMJK

    Yeah. It might be at that moment when he realized that Haesoo has learned to lie and hide something from him.

    Candy June 22, 2019 3:15 pm

    Even I am more in Taku - Haesoo now but the last chapter is still so sad for Joowon, especially the part he is in Haesoo's house and when he told his manager he only sleeps well if he hugs Haesoo. It's quite a cruel way to end ss1 but it also makes people can't wait to see ss2.