
Zilla June 21, 2019 10:34 pm

If you really think about it, Twice could actually save lives with his quirk. I mean, he could make copies of people and transfer the copied blood to the original person, He could use copies to donate organs to patients who really need them, hell, he could even donate the copies limbs if he wanted. He could save thousands, really.

    BambiiPanda June 22, 2019 12:34 am

    Maybe transfer blood, but I’m pretty sure if his clones expirience excessive amounts of pain they Burst

    Gragill June 24, 2019 8:08 am

    Well, I don't think the organ doning would be a good idea. Just imaging the copy getting into a car accident or something, exploding out of pain, and then this poor woman screaming as her new liver disappeared out of nowhere. However, he could become the best black-market organ scammed in the industry.

    Zilla June 24, 2019 4:41 pm

    Hush, everyone. Stop destroying my random thought with your logic.

    Emerald15 June 27, 2019 9:23 am
    Well, I don't think the organ doning would be a good idea. Just imaging the copy getting into a car accident or something, exploding out of pain, and then this poor woman screaming as her new liver disappeared ... Gragill

    I thought that his power is that he can make everything double? So he could just only double the organ not an entire human

    Couch-Potato July 7, 2019 6:32 am
    I thought that his power is that he can make everything double? So he could just only double the organ not an entire human Emerald15

    well the doubles disappear after they receive a certain amount of damage, just imagine someone getting onto a bad accident and that organ gets damaged and BOOM no more organ