Well considering you're asking, I'm guessing you're aware you probably are going too far. I'd say, just stop being friends with her. And also you clearly have people skills, so I'd say to use that time and energy on something else more productive than your friend. It's really not worth it to keep going, especially if you already got your revenge.

You should have told her you liked the first dude but that you would let her try first and then you would go for it if it doesnt work for her.
The dude was transferring school, you both started a war for a three weeks possible relationship, it’s funny xD
I don’t think you ruined he love life, if all you did was flirt/talk to her crushes. If that’s all it takes for her to give up, she won’t get a boyfriend until she changes.

i mean go ahead, no one's stopping you but i feel like you're wasting your time & effort into this "friend" of yours. don't stoop to her level. back off, forget her, move on, and find someone knew. i had a friend like that & she kinda ruined 2 years of my high school years. i just forgot about her and blocked her ass from my social media. people like them aren't worth it. but i feel like you are a tad vindictive and you should be careful with that trait. other than that, you sound like you had fun. that's all that matters lol

Well tbh that's too much. I would just advice to remove toxic people in your life. You're just like her immature, selfish and pathetic. You're ruining yourself just because of a person or a "friend" who doesn't even deserved you. If I were you, I would just confront her and cut ties with her or pretend she doesn't exist. Couldn't you be even more shallow?!
Typically, I’m a passive person if I do say so myself. I do not try to initiate problems or situations that can get out of hand. But if I do not like you, and you do something or at least try to do something bad to me that concerns other people.
Best believe I will fuck your shit up in the future.
Ok, the situation is like this. Me and my friend, both liked this guy. Yeah, typical cliche. She told me first and I admit I was a little hurt because she was my friend and disappointed that she liked the same guy as me. Because she told me first so she didn’t know that I liked him as well I BACKED OFF!! LIKE A GOOD FRIEND CUZ I AINT TRYNA STEAL HER MAN. I supported her if she would ask him out like cool I guess I’ll just try to get over him. She confessed to him. Got rejected. She said they were still friends and didn’t seem too hurt about it. It was near the end of the year and he had to transfer schools the next year so I was a little sad. My other friend who knew that I liked him worked my up the courage to ask him out. Note, my self confidence is straight up zero and not enough to personally ask someone out myself. I was scared shitless. This would be the first time I asked someone out and here was the plan.
3 weeks before school ended. We have first period together, me and him. Right before class ended, I’d go up to him, say I like you, then dip the fuck outta there.
I did exactly that.
He asked me to go out, I said yes, and this is where the problem started.
Let’s call the friend that liked him, Jessica. Nothing wrong with you Jessica’s out there it’s just a random name.
We dated, word spreads faster than the PLAGUE. Jessica finds out, pulls me aside. I know I’m fucked. She was like,”You’re dating(let’s call him adam) Adam?”
And in a shy voice I squeak out a yes. And then she was like,”You knew I liked him didn’t you?”
Ok, ok, ok. I get it. It was girl code. Don’t go after your friend’s crushes. I did not mean to date him. It was never my intention, it was to confess and have this burden off my shoulders while I graduate to next year.
I explain to her my situation. I told her that it was the heat of the moment and I’m constantly apologizing to her cuz I understand how hurt she must be. Then great timing, Adam comes in and asks for her consent and permission to date since we were all friends. The bitch said y e s.
Alright cool, we got to date for like three weeks. Until for the first week and a half. HOE MY GOD. Jessica goes around school. Telling people how much she’ll sabotage the relationship and how much she’ll break us apart. motherfuc-IF SHE DIDNT LIKE IT THEN DONT SAY YES TO CONSENT JESUS.
The people she told have personally come told me what her plan was and I was already starting to see it. She would always constantly flirt with Adam, getting in between us, trying to make me look like a dumbass in front of him. I played along because I knew there was ZERO chance of her ever coming in between us. I did all I could to retaliate against her. I cuddled with him in front of her, I always showed my affection especially in front of her, lol we even had our first kiss in front of her. Bitch was smiling but I could tell she was mad. The last day before we had to graduate, I confronted her about it. I showed her evidence, I reasoned with her that if she didn’t want us to be together because it made her uncomfortable then she’s could just said so from the beginning. I had all the evidence and witnesses yet she kept lying to my face. She made it obvious like I told her ‘people’ have been telling me and the fact that she’s pulled up the correct names proved to me that I was right.
Anyway, I was tired of her lies. Whatever. We graduate. I break it off with Adam on good terms and we go to date other people. Going into the new year I still have a grudge against Jessica. She still acts like my friend yes we play nice and what not.
My revenge was to make sure that none of her romance attempts were successful.
Beginning of the year, she likes this older guy. Not my type but I was petty and desperate. We had club together so I’d cut off her chances to talk to him and what not. Her small crush ended soon.
Next she had a group of friends with a guy she’s likes in it. Let’s call him Jacob. I was not apart of this friend group so I nuzzle up and befriend one of Jacob’s close friends and I instantly join the friend group. His friend was actually really nice so it wasn’t hard to befriend him and plus we all had similar interests anyway. Now that I’m done talking to the friend I talk to Jacob. He’sfairly quiet, but I make sure that he’s comfortable talking to me. I might not know Jacob as much as Jessica does but that doesn’t mean I can’t catch up. I make Jessica jealous as hell while I’m laughing with m her crush, being part of the friend group that she as originally in, and basically just ruining chances.
In the end, I made sure all her crushes ended in failure and if it was someone just as horrible as she is then I left it for her. Because horrible people should also date horrible people.
I don’t know if I went too far because all she did was scheme behind my back, spread bullshit, try to take my boyfriend, and lie right to my face but I’m pretty much destroying her whole love life.
Was I too much? Or too little? Or just about fair? Please tell me.